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“It’s not about you. It’s not about your quality of life. 
It’s not about your jobs. It’s about some phony ideal. 
Some phony theology. 
Oh, not a theology based on the Bible — a different theology.”

Those are the words of Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who, over the weekend, condemned President Obama’s “theology.”

Santorum’s choice of words have reopened the long standing and completely unsubstantiated rumor that Mr. Obama is not a Christian. The media quickly seized on Santorum’s choice of questioning the president’s “theology” as an unthinkable gaffe. Now the Obama campaign is firing back, calling Santorum an extremist.

“I can’t help but think that those remarks are well over the line,” Senior Obama Campaign Adviser Robert Gibbs said Sunday on “ABC This Week,” adding “It’s wrong. It’s destructive.”

But on the Sunday edition of “Face the Nation,” Santorum said he wasn’t referring to the president’s religious faith, but his liberal ideology. “I’ve repeatedly said I believe the president is a Christian. He’s says he’s a Christian. But I am talking about his world view and the way he approaches problems in this country, and I think they’re different than how most people do in America.”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Sure you weren't Rick/sarc. And by all means, please DO carry on with your Hatred against the President. Good red-meat for the GOP *base*…they love it. Could win you the GOP nomination. That is a very real possibility, especially if you win Michigan.This and ALL of the other digsuting ish you love to spew will be DISASTROUS for you in the general. And at the end of the day, that's what matters most to me. 

  2. I always thought trying to run your politics based on your religious beliefs is a big mistake. Rick Santorum might win the christian conservatives that way but nobody else.

  3. Yes indeed. It appears, at long last the talibangelicals have found their presidential nominee.  Eugene Robinson: "Rick Santorum could take Republicans down with him"The prospect of a Romney flame-out has given rise to crazy talk about a brokered convention at which an attempt is made to dragoon somebody else, into accepting the nomination — Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, just about anybody.The issue, for Republicans, is not just that Santorum would lose in November. It’s that he could be <span>a drag</span> on House and Senate candidates as well. Imagine, say, Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) trying to explain to his constituents why someone who doesn’t fully understand women’s participation in the workforce should be president.Listen closely and you can hear the anguished cries: “Mitch! Chris! Jeb! Help!"  […]Read:…WashPost Commenter: "I should be the ideal republican voter – affluent, white and educated"<span>The republican party deserves this. They've embraced fundamentalism; they've embraced an American Taliban ideology that is frightening in the extreme. They've embraced a religion that is full of hate and bigotry. It's clear they want to take over America and turn it into a fascist state. What's most frightening is that so many Americans think this is a great idea.   I should be the ideal republican voter – affluent, white and educated. I'll be voting for – I might even be campaigning for – Obama come November, and I'm neither his biggest fan nor a democrat. […]</span><span></span><span></span>

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