Comments on: SANTORUM SWEEPS SOUTH News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:37:12 +0000 You're quite Welcomed BD 😉 !

By: BD Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:21:39 +0000 <span>Charlotte Hayes:  What does one make of voters who say in the exit polls that they think Mitt Romney is the candidate most likely to beat Barack Obama, as half did last night, and then pull the lever for Rick Santorum? […] </span>Thanks for this Truth. That is the line of the day!   😀

By: BD Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:19:14 +0000 Well well what a tangled web we weave. This race is a hot mess but in a good way. I was watching last nights results like it was a tv movie. The faces of the Republican commenters on CNN said it all even though they tried to hold back their real feelings. Republicans had four years to campaign against Obama and this is the best they can do?

By: Truthiz Wed, 14 Mar 2012 14:41:52 +0000 A few more Right-wing reaxs…NRO Post-Primary Symposium: "Santorums Big Night"Hunter Baker:Romney ended up getting swept in his self-proclaimed “away” games. The losses hurt because of expectations that are hard for Romney’s team to manage. Some observers saw the potential in poll numbers for Romney to win these southern states and hungered for a decisive blow that could have freed Romney to turn his attention to President Obama full-time. A couple of third-place finishes are a deflating alternative. Never mind that the three top candidates were tightly clustered in both races. There’s only one winner in the public mind. That’s the surging Rick Santorum.Worse for Romney is that just as his effort demonstrates some weakness, many suspect Santorum’s campaign is just getting geared up — and staffed up.    […]Jay Cost:A half century ago, it would have been utterly unthinkable for Alabama or Mississippi to vote for a Catholic Republican, yet that is precisely what they did on Tuesday. And while one might be tempted to respond that they had no Protestants on the ballot down there last night (except Ron Paul), I’d point out that in 1960 a plurality of electors in Alabama and Mississippi were “unpledged” rather than for JFK or Nixon. […]Charlotte Hayes:What does one make of voters who say in the exit polls that they think Mitt Romney is the candidate most likely to beat Barack Obama, as half did last night, and then pull the lever for Rick Santorum? […]Read:

By: Truthiz Wed, 14 Mar 2012 14:12:11 +0000 <span>A few Right-wing reax…..   Erick Erickson: "Not Closing the Deal"   This morning you were going to read a post from me saying Mitt Romney was definitely now the nominee and it was time for Santorum and Gingrich to drop out. The post was predicated on late polling and early corresponding exit polling from yesterday showing that Mitt Romney won Mississippi. He had finally won in the south. […]   Read:…</span><span> Hotair: "Why evangelicals reject Romney"</span><span></span><span>Even a slight decrease in the evangelical turnout could be hugely problematic, says Bauer, who predicts 2012 will be a “base election” and notes that if even 1 to 3 percent of voters stay home on Election Day that could “throw one state or another in the wrong column.” […] </span><span></span><span></span><span>Read:…</span><span></span><span></span><span>FreeRepublic: "Santorum wins Mississippi, Alabama Republican primaries,"</span><span></span><span>Commenter: "Newt looks like an dolt standing next to his wife while she talks. No WAY can he win no matter what! He should endorse Santorum." </span><span></span><span>Read:…</span>
