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Have you ever heard someone say just about anything to get what they want?

Well, that appears to be what Rick Santorum has been doing in an attempt to excite his conservative Republican base and beat Mitt Romney in today’s Arizona and Michigan primaries.

During a pre-election stump speech, Santorum used both the past and the present to give a little red meat to his carnivorous conservative colleagues.  He completely misconstrued the meaning of an old John F. Kennedy speech on religious freedom, saying the speech makes him want to throw up.  He then mangled a recent speech by President Obama, calling him a “snob” for wanting Americans to seek higher education.

But leave it to Jon Stewart of “The Daily Show” to point out the hypocrisy in Santorum’s poor logic as self-serving and political baiting.





DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. Of ALL the crazy-azz ish that Santorum has uttered, calling the President a "snob," and proceeding to go on a rant AGAINST the President, because the President wants all Americans to have access to Higher education and a brighter future really takes the cake..especially when you consider that Santorum has MORE degrees than the President…smh.The phrase "Cognitive Dissonance" is being used a lot by news media babblers and even some bloggers when describing Santorum's obvious conflicting statements. But I don't think that description is correct at all.  "The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the feeling of discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs."I have seen NOTHING in Santorum's personality or behavior to suggest that he feels "conflicted" in the least by ANY of his CONFLICTING beliefs. On the contrary, whenever he's challenged on his conflicting views he tends to double-down on them and make even more extreme comments. The man really is a piece of work. He's also a perfect standard-bearer for Teavangelicals and other right-wing Haters and HYPOCRITICAL nutjobs.

  2. <span>Howard Kurtz: "Rick Santorum’s Class-Based Pitch Kicks Up Campaign Controversy"   By painting higher education as liberal and elitist, the candidate is making a blatant grab for blue-collar voters.   If Santorum pulls out a win in Michigan, the pundits will credit his culture-war strategy. (The polls show a margin-of-error cliffhanger in Michigan but suggest Romney will win big in Arizona, where Santorum has barely campaigned.) </span><span></span><span>It is hard to overstate the psychological impact if Romney loses his home state, which under normal circumstances should be a cakewalk. The murmur of doubts about Romney as the GOP’s standard bearer will grow deafening. </span><span></span><span>But is Santorum’s rather blatant appeal to evangelical and lower-class voters a sustainable approach—or a divisive and self-destructive one? […]   Read:…</span><span> IMO, it's both, a sustainable approach during the GOP primaries but also divisive and an absolute disaster during the general.   On a related note…..   Andrew Sullivan: "Santorum Exposes The Real Republican Party"…</span>

  3. John Feerey: "What Campaigns Reveal" About three weeks ago, I thought about endorsing Rick Santorum.He had done well in the debates. He was talking about the importance of manufacturing jobs and he had a plan to bring them back. He was a blue-collar guy who cared about family values, cared about helping the poor, cared about normal people.Campaigns reveal things, though, and in three short weeks, we have found out a bunch of things about Rick Santorum.In total, we have found out that Santorum believes he is on a mission from God, that he doesn’t believe in public education, doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state, that he doesn’t believe in contraception and that Satan has somehow possessed a bunch of people that he disagrees with. He sounds like our Founding Fathers.No, not Jefferson, Washington, Ben Franklin and all of the Enlightenment folks.He sounds like the Puritans who kicked Roger Williams out of Massachusetts and exiled him to Rhode Island because he was too liberal.If Santorum gets the GOP nomination, I will be voting for Ron Paul (who I hope will be running as a Libertarian), thank you very much.H. L. Mencken once defined Puritanism as “the haunting fear that somebody somewhere might be happy.” Should Santorum become the Republican standard-bearer, the only person truly happy will be Barack Obama. […]Read:

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