SANTORUM’S RAGE: “Romney Is The Worst”
He may have just won the Louisiana primary over the weekend, but Rick Santorum has been in a foul mood of late.
In an attempt to bring down his top challenger, Santorum came out swinging on Monday with a powerful attack against Mitt Romney. Santorum told his fellow Republicans that Mitt Romney is “the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama.” He went on to spell out how Republicans would lose the discussion on ObamaCare if Romney were the nominee, because RomneyCare (Romney’s health care plan while governor of Massachusetts) is ObamaCare’s evil twin.
Later in the day, a NY Times reporter questioned Santorum about his claims that Romney would be “the worst Republican in the country” against President Obama, but that is when Santorum turned his ire on the reporter.
“Stop lying!” Santorum barked. “Quit distorting my words. If I see it, it’s bullsh*t,” Santorum screamed while pointing a finger at reporter Jeff Zeleny. “Come on man, what are you doing?”
Santorum later tried to backpedal on his profanity, explaining “I was talking about Obamacare, and he is the worst because he was the author of Romneycare.” But Romney spokesman Ryan Williams quickly responded that he felt “sorry” for the 2nd place candidate, saying Santorum was getting more desperate and “unhinged” in the final days of his campaign. The Romney camp even took to twitter to make light of Santorum’s temper tantrum, calling it #Tantorum.
Did Rick Santorum simply wake up on the wrong side of the bed on Monday morning, or does he see his chances for the GOP nomination slipping away by the day?