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At first, the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR A NEW AMERICA did not intend to let Sarah Palin play their “Reindeer Games.”  Hell-bent on re-inventing the Republican brand, Sarah Palin was originally deemed too conservative and not the new image the new council wanted front and center of their efforts.  Now in a total reversal, the “Band of re-branding Republicans” have decided to include Madam Palin in their GOP clique.
“I am pleased to announce that Governor Palin has joined the National Council for a New America’s panel of experts,” House Minority Whip Eric Cantor of VA said yesterday. “When NCNA was announced last week, we spoke about a dynamic organization that worked to constantly bring in new people and innovative ideas.”  His comments regarding new people and ideas were especially interesting, since this new GOP “council” consists of some pretty old Republican faces, including Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, John McCain, Eric Cantor, and now Sarah Palin.  How these old farm hands intend to build a brand new farm is still a mystery, but at least the team receives an “A” for effort.
Now that Sarah has been formally invited to the ball, this should squelch rumors that the National Council is an organ of the establishment wing of the GOP, set up to keep hardline conservatives like Sarah Palin and Gov. Mark Sanford of SC from taking over control of the party.  But if moderate Republicans have broken away to form the National Council, yet are allowing hardline conservatives like Palin and Sanford to join, can anyone explain just what exactly makes the National Council “new” and “different” from the already exisiting Republican party?
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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IMO, the “National Council for a New America” is the 2009 version of the GOP's “Contract With America”_in other words, it’s nothing more than a GIMMICK_a SHAM that gives the APPEARANCE of the GOP being "serious" about its need to move in a “new" direction with “new" ideas and solutions, while actually continuing the same old game and offering the same old crap. Yes indeed_nothing says "new ideas" and a "new direction" like John McCain, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush and Sarah Palin_(snark).Give me a friggin break.


Speaking of the GOP’s common use of GIMMICKS….Looks like the “we have a black guy too” sham has run its course; Steele has been “played” and “checked.” Washington Times “Exclusive” – 5/6/09Steele Yields Power to RNC Rivals – Accepts Limits On SpendingExcerpts:Mr. Norcross, RNC Treasurer Randy Pullen, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party, and former party budget chiefs Ron Kaufman and Alec Poitevint had fought with Mr. Steele over having the 168-member committee vote on restoring the "good governance" guidelines created in 2004 at a special May 20 meeting. The "good governance" agreement revives checks and balances Mr. Steele resisted implementing for RNC contracts, fees for legal work and other expenditures that were not renewed after the 2008 presidential nominating contest. Under nearly constant fire from conservatives since his Jan. 30 election, Mr. Steele last Wednesday accused the resolution's proponents of a power grab "scheme." It looked like an impasse,… Read more »


Re: Steele Yields His Power To RNC Rivals:I meant to include the following opening paragraph because I think it speaks volumes about Steele’s willingness to:1. accept this “smack-down” by the “real” power-holders in RNC…and..2. sign a so-called “secret” (wink-wink) pact agreeing to cede power to his foes. Washington Times:“Capitulating to critics on the Republican National Committee, embattled Republican Party Chairman Michael S. Steele has signed a secret pact agreeing to controls and restraints on how he spends hundreds of millions of dollars in party funds and contracts, The Washington Times has learned.”The truth is, Tokenism is a mighty Ugly thing_smh.


I've followed this blog for a few months now and when I started there were a lot of Republican voices of dissent here. Where'd they all go?? It's been pretty silent lately from the Repubs. Have they all suddenly realized their party really does have a problem? P.S. Oh, and Gay Marriage has been approved in five states now! 😀


DJ I know I've gone a bit off topic_and I hope you don't mind me sharing a little more info on the subject of Steele?The Plum Line – Greg Sargent's Politics Blog: UPDATE: Steele Condemns Maine Decision, Revealing Split With Snowe and CollinsWed evening (5/6/09):[After the RNC said he wouldn’t be issuing a statement on Maine’s decision to legalize gay marriage today, RNC Chairman Michael Steele is in fact condemning the decision, a position that puts him at odds with Maine’s moderate Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, both of whom said today the decision should be left to the states.Earlier today, Collins said on MSNBC that the decision is best “decided at the state level.” And Snowe’s office put out a statement citing her support for the Defense of Marriage Act, which leaves it to individual states to “make their own determinations on this very personal issue.” ]Source: whorunsgov.comUmm…I'm… Read more »

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