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After a show of unity at Monday night’s GOP gala, it appears that Sarah Palin has started to get on the bad side of some Republican Senators who believe the junior politician might be taking her own White House aspirations entirely too seriously. 

Washington has long been a town that believed in following a certain “pecking order.”  Said one political insider: “If you have political aspirations, you get in line and wait your turn.”  So despite their lack of a true leader, it should come as no surprise that many in Washington are not at all interested in coronating  outsider Sarah Palin as “THE STAR” of the Republican party.  When asked in recent interviews whether she could pose a credible challenge to President Obama in 2012, several GOP senators offered searing criticism of the Alaska governor.  “She has to hunker down and govern and show she’s not a joke,” said a GOP lawmaker who represents an important southern battleground state in the 2012 election.  But many of those speaking out against Madam Palin may also have their eye on a 2012 White House run, or at least be friends with GOP colleagues who have their own presidential ambitions. Still, Gov. Palin, who does not have a lot of Washington connections, has recently left much of the party’s elite grumbling about her huge appeal to the blue-collar conservative base, an appeal that appears threatening to several party stalwarts and their agendas.
“Democrats and the media did a number on her,” said the lawmaker from the southern battleground. “She has some hurdles, especially among independents and Democrats.  She lost support among the independents and moderate Republicans, and a lot of them give money,” the lawmaker added.  Another GOP Senator, who endorsed Sen. John McCain in the 2008 primary, believes Gov. Palin would face a lot of difficulty raising money and said she has little appeal among the major fundraisers who made up McCain’s financial base.  “I don’t see her being a candidate in 2012,” said the lawmaker. “I don’t think she has the financial base to run. I don’t think she can convert the McCain fundraisers to her camp.”
Needless to say, this is all either correct political assumption, or wishful thinking.  So as Republicans continue to posture for position within their ranks, with a keen eye on 2012, only time will tell if Sarah Palin is a major fluke, or the real deal.
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Funny how NONE of Palin’s OBVIOUS deficiencies mattered to those “good ole boys” when, just last summer, they actually tried to pass her off as VP qualified to be second in command of the most powerful country IN THE WORLD…smh.Except for firing up right-wing Chistianists and Know-Nothings of the GOP, the woman has absolutely Nothing else to offer the rest of America. But the truth is, THAT makes her NO different from the rest of the “POSEURS” vying for “Head elephant in charge” status, except she’s a female. NONE of them have anything else to offer. The whole party is so d*mned Backwards, Confused and DYSFUNCTIONAL I’m embarrassed for them! And the absurd notion that the media is at fault for most of America concluding that Palin is, at best, a proud right-wing ignoramus__which led to intelligent voters (Independents and Republicans) running AWAY from her and the Republican Party in… Read more »


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