Current Events

Saying ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ Saved By Trump?

- the 'Hallucinator-In-Chief' is at it again!

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Hopefully, we all had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday. However, how many of us are aware that Donald Trump himself is responsible for our holiday enjoyment? Or, at least, the saving of the saying ‘Happy Thanksgiving,’ that is.

Current Events
Yes, according to ‘The Donald,’ he singlehandedly saved saying ‘Happy Thanksgiving,’ the same way he saved saying ‘Merry Christmas,’ or had a “great” conversation with Ukraine, or is making Mexico pay for his beloved border wall.

Saying Happy Thanksgiving

“You know, some people want to change the name ‘Thanksgiving,’” Trump told his followers last week in Florida while failing to identify who these “people” are. “They don’t want to use the term ‘Thanksgiving’, and that was true also with Christmas, but now everybody’s using ‘Christmas’ again. Remember, I said that? But now we’re going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving.”

He added, “People have different ideas why it shouldn’t be called ‘Thanksgiving,’ but everybody in this room, I know, loves the name ‘Thanksgiving’ and we’re not changing it.”

He painted a world in which he and the audience united once more in 2020 to fight back against a number of adversaries, including those who wanted to stop saying “Happy Thanksgiving.” (It was unclear who those people were and what they wanted to say instead.) – MSNBC

First, Trump and his conservative cronies at Fox News created a make-believe “war on Christmas” and now, he’s created a make-believe war on Thanksgiving.

As for how he successfully mandated private businesses and regular Americans (with the right to freedom of speech) to forcefully use the sayings ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ and ‘Merry Christmas’ — or that either was ever even an issue — has yet to be explained. However, facts, logic, and general common sense are usually never staples inside TrumpWorld.

At various Thanksgiving gatherings around the country, the saying ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ was very likely used at least a million times — just as it’s been used every year for as long as we can remember.  Do we owe that all to ‘The Donald???’  Or is this yet another example of him creating a pretend issue and a pretend enemy in order to rile up his flock into believing they and their beliefs are in danger?

A judge told Trump last week that he is not a king.  Although this fact seems to have somehow eluded him, is the majesty of Donald Trump truly responsible for saving Thanksgiving and the traditional holiday greeting that comes with it?

Only if hell just froze over!!


OK WASSUP! covers Current Events:
Did Trump save saying ‘Happy Thanksgiving?’


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. And THIS pitiable creature is what passes for “the leader” of the most powerful country in the world (sigh!)

    You simply cannot make this stuff up.

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