After only 10 days on the job, White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci has been relieved of his duties and kicked to the curb from the Trump White House.
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In what is surely the shortest West Wing stint ever, The White House announced on Monday that Scaramucci voluntarily resigned in order to give new chief-of-staff John Kelly the opportunity to select his own staff and communications personnel. However, late word out of Washington is that Scaramucci did not go peacefully.
Reportedly, Gen. Kelly made Scaramucci Priority 1 on his first-day-on-the-job To Do list. Kelly was not at all happy that “The Mooch” had publicly threatened to fire everybody and was acting as if he was running the West Wing.
According to CNN political analyst and White House correspondent April Ryan, a tense exchange occurred between Kelly and Scaramucci early Monday morning, prompting Kelly to fire him. However, The Mooch believed he had the full support and confidence of Donald Trump (he didn’t) and refused to leave — which led to him being physically removed from White House grounds. Yes, he was literally kicked out.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
During his brief 10-day tenure, Scaramucci had become the exclusive face of The White House. He appeared on every political television show imaginable. He openly slung vulgarities at the West Wing staff. He even boasted that he had the full authority to fire everyone and start from scratch. His self-propelled belief could not have been further from the truth. Here’s why:
1.) Despite his instant fame and celebrity, he did not have the authority to fire anyone inside the West Wing.
2.) The gargantuan ego of Donald Trump was never willing to cede or share center stage with a man who regularly referred to himself in 3rd person as “The Mooch.”
Needless to say, he had to go.
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Last week, Scaramucci’s wife gave birth to their son. She also filed for divorce.
Over the weekend, Deidre Ball-Scaramucci went public and made it known that she did not appreciate her husband choosing to be with Trump in Washington instead of with her in New York during the birth. She also didn’t appreciate her husband sending her an impersonal “congratulations” text message following the birth, or him not taking the time to see his newborn son until 4 days after the birth.
Scaramucci made his choice and hitched his wagon to Donald Trump. Now, 10-days later, it’s not far-fetched to believe he may be kicking himself for that decision.
So in the end Scaramucci, Trump’s latest hit-man (politically speaking) didn’t see the (political) bullet aimed at his own head.
There’s a pattern here – and, for me, it started with Flynn who was hired to help “take out” Hillary by painting her as a criminal and promoting the message of “Lock Her Up!”
Trump wanted Flynn to stick around. Flynn, however, unexpectedly *shot himself in the foot” and was forced out. At some point in time, Donald decided it was time for Spicer, Preibus and even (I believe) Bannon, to go. Enter Trump’s mini-me, Scaramucci, who delivered the *hits* Donald approved of….UNTIL the over-the-top *hit* on Preibus prompted significant blowback. Time is up for Scaramucci. Bannon survives…..for now.
Trump being Trump RAN for cover and hired another hit-man to take out Scaramucci – General Kelly; who apparently is himself so craven that, as per reports, Kelly was so angered by the firing of Comey, he called up Comey and expressed his anger as well as indicated that he’d considered resigning as Dir. of DHS, in a show of solidarity with Comey. Apparently that’s water under the bridge now.
Word to Kelly: Don’t think your days aren’t numbered too…because they are.
On a related (Trump) note, the news also broke last night that:
“Trump personally crafted son’s misleading account of Russia meeting – report”
Donald Trump personally dictated the press statement issued in the name of his eldest son Donald Jr that misleadingly downplayed the significance of a 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer, a new report alleged on Monday night.
According to the Washington Post, Trump personally intervened to prevent senior White House advisers from issuing a full and truthful account of the meeting on 9 June 2016 in which Donald Trump Jr, the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, and then presidential campaign manager Paul Manafort came face-to-face with four Russians. One of the Russian visitors was the well-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. […] – The Guardian
I wish to modify the first sentence in my first response to say:
So in the end Scaramucci, Trump’s latest hit-man (politically speaking), did NOT see the (political) bullet aimed at his own BACK.
Arriving at work early Monday morning, Scaramucci was prepared to begin in earnest his promised reshuffle of the White House communications team after effectively orchestrating last week’s ouster of Reince Priebus as chief of staff. Instead, he found himself the first victim of Priebus’ replacement, a Marine general seeking to impose discipline on a wayward and warring White House staff.
Just before 9:30 a.m. ET, cameras caught the still-employed Scaramucci standing outside the West Wing, using his characteristic hand gestures to punctuate a conversation with Kellyanne Conway, the presidential counselor.
Outwardly, Scaramucci appeared to be in the President’s good graces. Trump was thrilled with Scaramucci’s debut performance in the briefing room, officials said, during which the wealthy businessman described the President as a born winner with an innate sense of competition.
“I have seen this guy throw a dead spiral through a tire,” Scaramucci told reporters on July 21, the same day his appointment was announced. “I’ve seen him in Madison Square Garden with a topcoat, standing in the key, hitting shots.”
Scaramucci’s debut in the West Wing prompted its own seizures — the now-former press secretary Sean Spicer resigned his post in anticipation of Scaramucci’s arrival, determining he couldn’t work alongside the brash financier, and Scaramucci proudly declared that he would report directly to Trump.
In interviews, Scaramucci repeatedly warned Trump aides that he was launching a new effort to ferret out individuals leaking embarrassing information. He began tarnishing Priebus publicly, first in an interview on CNN, comparing his relationship with Priebus to that of the fratricidal brothers Cain and Abel, and later in an expletive-laced rant to the New Yorker, where he described the former Republican National Committee chairman as a “paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac.”
Scaramucci’s crude comments last week about Priebus and senior strategist Steve Bannon had not seemed to initially agitate Trump, who invited Scaramucci the next morning to fly aboard Air Force One and later announced he was replacing Priebus, an apparent coup for Scaramucci.
A White House official said Trump originally found Scaramucci’s comments about Priebus and Bannon — which described the men as paranoid and self-serving — as funny and “amusing.”
But as time went on, the President became annoyed with the negative coverage because it “took over everything,” the official said. In Trump’s mind, his new communications director’s profile had become outsized. Scaramucci was “grandstanding,” one source close to the White House said, a grave misdeed that Trump punished by banishing him to “the cheap seats in centerfield.”
The President asked a very close ally on Sunday if Scaramucci had seriously and permanently damaged himself. The ally replied that he had, a person familiar with the conversation said, and Trump seemed to agree.
Nevertheless, Scaramucci began Monday believing he could weather the storm surrounding him, three people who talked to him said. “He had no plans to resign,” a person who talked to Scaramucci Monday said. “He thought he could fix it.”
It turned out he was wrong.
Wait a minute. The man actually had to be kicked out of the White House?? LOL oh brother this is too good. Maybe James Kelly is going to bring some order to the White House after all.