Secret Plan To Replace Donald Trump?

Politics –
Secret Plan To Replace Donald Trump?
“The sky is falling, the sky is falling!”  Those may be the words of folklore character Henny Penny, but they’re also the words of several prominent Republican Party operatives who are reportedly considering a secret plan for a Donald Trump replacement.
The #NeverTrump movement that halted the GOP convention last month must have realized to never give up hope. With Donald Trump self-inflicting blunder after blunder following his nomination, party leaders are now exploring ways to handle a scenario that would be unthinkable in any other normal election year: What will they do if Trump drops out? And is it possible to force him to drop out??
ABC News is reporting that senior party officials are so frustrated and confused by Trump’s erratic behavior that they are actively hoping for a miracle replacement of the GOP nominee by November. Also, The New York Times is reporting that “Republican lawmakers and strategists have begun to entertain abandoning him en masse,” in the hopes of leaving him on an island and feeling a need to withdraw.
Donald Trump seems hell-bent on creating controversy daily. His latest gaffe: suggesting that gun enthusiasts should carry out violence against Hillary Clinton if she is elected and appoints Supreme Court judges that might threaten the Second Amendment.
“Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. Â By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is…” Trump is quoted as saying to immediate backlash from Democrats and Republicans alike.
According to retired Gen. Michael Hayden, who is also the former head of the CIA, “If someone else had said that outside the hall, he’d be in the back of a police wagon now with the Secret Service questioning him.”
The general is right and the GOP knows it. That is why an angry RNC chair Reince Priebus has made it very clear to Trump that these sort of off-the-cuff remarks is why he’s bleeding support from within the party, and why skeptical donors are racing for the exits and telling Team Trump NOT to count on their financial support due to the candidate’s toxic rhetoric and mentality.
With strange utterances and petty fights coming from the thin-skinned Trump almost daily now as well as wild claims that the election is rigged (despite the fact no votes have been cast yet), Trump almost appears to be purposely sabotaging his own campaign. He appears to have loved the thrill of the chase (for the nomination) and the ego-boosting idea of the title “Mr. President,” but he seems completely disinterested in the actual job.
So what if Trump were to drop out?
The 168 members of the Republican National Committee would have to immediately choose a successor, which would be a complicated process.
According to a Republican legal expert, Trump would have to drop out by early September for the party to have enough time to choose a replacement and get the new nominee’s name on the ballot in enough states to win. However, if Trump were to drop out beyond early September, the GOP would be stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Trump’s name would remain on the November ballots, but any votes for him would be a waste since he’d be on record as unwilling to serve if elected. This would be a nightmare scenario for the GOP, as it could affect down-ballot races and possibly hand the House and/or Senate to the Democrats.  It would also be an automatic win for Hillary Clinton. Additionally, it would be a career-ending embarrassment for top Republicans such as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, who went out on a limb for Trump only to be left at the altar in the end.
If Trump does decide to drop out — or is forced out — Republicans have already weighed their legal and practical options to replace him. They may even have a potential “understudy” nominee waiting in the wings. However, what if Trump DOESN’T drop out? What if he drags the entire GOP down the drain with his fledgling campaign?
Key Republicans close to Trump are said to be plotting a URGENT intervention with the nominee after a disastrous week that has many within the party predicting catastrophic consequences come November.
RNC chairman Reince Priebus, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump supporters hoping to prod the real estate mogul into a dramatic reset of his campaign ASAP (resident “flunkie” Chris Christie is said to still be pouting and unwilling to participate after being overlooked for VP). The Republican heavyweights are hoping for a last-ditch effort to enlist the help of Trump’s children — who are among his innermost circle of influential advisers — to help rescue his sinking candidacy.
However, their efforts could amount to “too-little-too-late,” as Trump has already become a laughing-stock within the party and prompted prominent Republicans to publicly denounce him in favor of Hillary Clinton.
“He must keep that clandestine roadmap [to win the election] in the same drawer as his super secret, can’t-talk-about-it plan to defeat ISIS easily and fast. Believe him.”
–Â Tom Bevan
Some are even going so far as to suggest that Trump may be mentally ill, which would give them legal cover to forcibly remove him as the Republican nominee in favor of a more stable candidate.
Whatever happens, it needs to happen fast for Republicans to have even a hint of a chance. Mormon distaste for Trump is at such an all-time high that the GOP nominee is trailing in the traditionally Republican State of Utah — which could go blue for the first time since Lyndon Johnson. Additionally, the Clinton Campaign is surprisingly ahead by a few points in Arizona and Georgia, which are also traditional strongholds for the GOP. Further, Republican candidates are now being encouraged by the party to cut Trump loose in order to save themselves over supporting the presidential nominee.
For Donald Trump and the Republican Party, the sky is indeed falling!
Honestly, I think this election is already over. Yes, the news media will keep up the facade that it's still a horse-race until November chasing rating$.
But I think this last so-called "gaffe" inciting gun-nuts to take out Hillary is the final nail in the coffin. I think most American voters have seen and heard quite enough of that dangerous and ignorant fool.
The Repubs can twist themselves into knots trying to figure out what to do about this colossal nightmare THEY created. It does not matter. They have NO good options. None.
Trump is at war with himself. He looks (and sounds) tortured, more and more, everyday.
He wants out of the contest …especially now that it looks like he IS going to lose…and lose quite badly to a "woman." no less. But he's a major head-case and pathological BSer. He can't just drop out without looking like the LOSER that he is.
Given how mucked up in the head he is, I don't think he even knows what he's going to do. For now, he'll hang on for dear life (continue to destroy the GOP) until maybe the last minute, meaning the eve of the election.
The GOP is at war with itself and looks (and sounds) tortured more and more, everyday. .But the GOP sold its soul a long time ago….way before Trump….and now they're paying the price for that cynical and destructive act.
Word of caution to the Dems – do NOT become cocky or complacent. We still have to show up and VOTE in November to insure that Trump gets nowhere near the White House
"The GOP must dump Trump"
A bloody line has been crossed that cannot be ignored. At long last, Donald Trump has left the Republican Party few options but to act decisively and get this political train wreck off the tracks before something terrible happens. […]
– Joe Scarborough, WashPost
WP reader:
I think what will be most interesting come November's humiliation for Trump is how his supporters and apologists will be treated for their support of this dismal character. if they had a shred of integrity, they would all resign in disgrace for what they have done to their party and want to do to their country. But you know that won't happen.
I can't stand the man, but I said the morning after he spoke at the convention that I finally understood why everyone said Ted Cruz is extremely intelligent. He KNOWS what's coming, and he will be in prime position to say, "I told you so." [….]
WP Reader:
Trump may be the most depraved, despicable degenerate in the world, but he is the quintessential Republican. […]
WP Reader:
Agree with the commenters who note that Joe, Willy and Mika were complicit in giving Trump a chance to spout his nonsense with at least weekly call-ins with little push back not to mention incessantly putting his morning tweets up on the screen. "Oh my what is happening here? This is not the Donald Trump I know. Great Dad. Great boss. So I am told."
Well for the rest of us without a TV show, congressional career, connected Dad and siblings, this is the only Trump we know. It doesn't matter to me one iota how charming he and his kids were to you at a gala. The rest of us have been subjected to his ignorant rants and garbage mouth for years.
It appears that the American electorate has had just about enough of this hateful, dangerous, ignorant blow hard and are ready to vote him out off of our TV screens. After November 8th, hoping the next time I hear his voice will be when a reporter is asking him about losing his myriad lawsuits. […]
DJ I gotta hand it to you. You told everybody on Ok Wassup to root for Trump because he would be the easiest to beat out of all of them. The way this fool is clowning something new everyday it looks like you could be right. Just like you said today Trump likes the game but he doesn't want the job. Now that I have to agree with. He doesn't want to be president, he just wants the title for his little ego. He seems like he is doing something everyday to ruin everything. If Bush or Kasick or one of them had won this would be a real race for Hillary. But Trump is just beating himself now. I can not wait to see how this all turn out for the Repubs.
Posted on CNN………
Chris Shays – "Why I'm voting for Hillary Clinton"
During the 34 years I served as a Republican elected official in Connecticut, 13 years in the State House of Representatives, and 21 years in Congress, I always voted for our Republican candidate for governor and our Republican candidate for president.
Always, but not this time.
Donald Trump lost me a long time ago.
I know some want to stick it to the so-called establishment, reject the status quo, and they see Trump as their vehicle. And I know some Republicans dislike President Obama, and have such a strong dislike for Hillary Clinton, they are willing to vote for a man they know does not have the temperament, knowledge or experience to be president.
In fact, I think many Republicans know Donald Trump could cause great damage to our country and the world at large, and still plan to vote for him. But not me. He represents practically everything I was taught not to be, and everything my wife and I taught our daughter not to be.
Clinton, the Democratic candidate for president, will be getting my vote, not reluctantly, but with a strong conviction that she will be a good president.
She has made some mistakes and I would love it if she had done some things differently. But this I know: Clinton does her homework, and she learns from her mistakes. She is smart, tough, highly knowledgeable and has shown she is genuinely willing to work with Republicans and anyone else to address the countless problems that confront our nation. […] – Chris Shays, Former Rep. Chris Shays
A US Secret Service official confirms to CNN that the USSS has spoken to the Trump campaign regarding his Second Amendment comments.
"There has been more than one conversation" on the topic, the official told CNN.
The campaign told the USSS that Donald Trump did not intend to incite violence, according to the official.
trump need to go sit his ass down somewhere just quit and make every body happy
LOL!!! Well Said Pat. Well Said.