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The popularity of Barack Obama back in 2008 was so incredibly high, it was frightening — or at least to the Republican Party it was.  The GOP was so concerned that the nation’s first black president-elect would be hugely successful,  that they feared his presidency could single-handedly be the demise of their Grand Ol’ Party.  So what did they do? They concocted a secret plan.

On the day Barack Obama was inaugurated President of the United States, while he and his family were celebrating and parading down Pennsylvania Avenue, Republicans were busy meeting in secret to figure out a plan on how to ruin the Obama presidency.  The group, which was led by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, decided that the only way they could derail the charismatic Obama was to simply refuse to cooperate.  They realized if they could make government seem completely broken, they could then pin the blame on Mr. Obama, who had promised he would fix government. If they could stall or completely obstruct every single piece of legislation the president presented, they could then hold him accountable during the 2012 election for being a failure.  This secret plan is what gave Republicans the not-so-secret nickname “The Party of NO!”

These accounts of the Republican master plan are all detailed in the new book “Do Not Ask What Good We Do” by New York Times best selling author Robert Draper. In the book, Draper outlined the stealthy GOP plan:

“Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies… Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011. Win the White House and the Senate in 2012.”  If the GOP leaders all followed this plan to the letter, group leader Newt Gingrich told his colleagues “You will remember this as the day the seeds of 2012 were sown.”



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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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As stated in the video, NONE of this is surprising. The Repubs are at least as "cynical" and rotten to the core as we thought. But it's good to have their despicable strategy spelled out, in a book, that details the entire thing. 


I gotta go with Truth on this one I'm not surprised. That video is real daming. I'm glad it came out they put politics over the good of country.

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