Current Events

Secret Service Showing Incompetence

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October 1, 2014

top news today current events White House

Top News Today –
Secret Service Showing Incompetence

BREAKING NEWS:  The director of the U.S. Secret Service, Julia Pierson, has resigned under pressure from recent security lapses that put the safety of the President of the United States in jeopardy. 

The U.S. Secret Service is charged with an extremely important “life or death” task: protecting the President of the United States and his family.  However, recent events prove the U.S. Secret Service has been failing miserably.

Top News Today
Late last month, a war-crazed intruder jumped the fence at the North Lawn of the White House and made his way to the door before being apprehended.  At least that’s the story the U.S. Secret Service wanted everyone to believe.

top news today current events White House

The truth is, the intruder not only made it TO the door, but he made it INSIDE the door, down the hall and into the East Room of the White House, only moments after President Obama and his family had departed.  UNACCEPTABLE!

That’s not all.

While President Obama was visiting the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta recently, a private security guard was allowed to ride on an elevator with the Commander-In-Chief.  The problem is, the man was carrying a gun and the Secret Service never stopped him — because they never knew (or bothered to check that) he had a gun on him.  Oh, and the man also happened to be an ex-con. HUH???

How does a crazed intruder not only successfully make it over the fence of what’s supposed to be the most secure address in the world, THEN make it inside the residence of the leader of the free world?? Further, how does some random security guard get inside the same small elevator with the President of the United States, while carrying a pistol???

top news today current events White House
U.S. Secret Service Director Julia Pierson

This all comes on the heels of a 2011 incident when someone fired gunshots at the residence of the White House and again, the U.S. Secret Service did absolutely nothing to apprehend the suspect or to report the breach to the American public.

Top News Today
Being the first African-American President of the United States, there are surely plenty of factions who would love to bring harm to Mr. Obama and his family.  Forgetting about race, there are plenty of terrorist factions and wild cards around the world who would also love to bring harm to Mr. Obama and his family, if only to make a point and a name for themselves and their narrow motives.

Julia Pierson, the head of the U.S. Secret Service, appeared before congressional leaders yesterday in a failed attempt to explain the recent security lapses.  Her testimony was pathetic.  She should not only be thoroughly embarrassed, but she should step down from her post YESTERDAY.  If not, she should be fired IMMEDIATELY.  There is absolutely NO room for error in protecting the life of ANY president, of ANY party or ANY race.

This is a huge problem and it must be fixed before some of the world’s biggest lunatics come to Washington and put the security of the White House to a true test!

OK WASSUP! tracks the top news today, including new evidence of lapses in security by the U.S. Secret Service.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. @DJ- Hear! Hear!..on all points.

    And this morning, adding more insult to possible injury, comes this revelation:

    "Obama Rode Elevator With Armed Ex-Convict In Latest Secret Service Slip-Up"

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres. Barack Obama rode an elevator this month with an armed security contractor who had three criminal convictions, a violation of Secret Service security protocols, according to published reports. […]

    H/T: HuffPost

    Honestly, I am beyond feeling absolutely disgusted and furious about all of this!

  2. Amen to everything you said DJ. Excellent post. The director needs to quit ASAP. All it takes is one slip up for a catastrophe to happen and I don't even want to think about that. You were right when you said now there will be groups who are going to test the security now. I hope they get it together over there.

  3. I've been worried about our president with all these security gaffes lately. I'm glad the director finally quit today and maybe they can bring some stability back with better safety.

  4. Pearson's resignation is a start. But only a start.

    There needs to be some Major house-cleaning, if you ask me.

    The entire chain of command at the upper management level of the Secret Service needs to be demoted and replaced with new, and definitely more competent, people.

    The sooner, the better.

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