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Secret Society Is Latest GOP/Trump Trick

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Donald Trump has been accused of attempting to obstruct justice.  So, what has he done in response to this very serious accusation?  He has attempted to (further) obstruct justice by introducing the theory that a ‘secret society’ exists among those investigating him.  Good try, Donald!

Top News Today
Yes, Trump has expended a great amount of energy hoping to thwart the inquiry into charges that he colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election, then attempted to cover his tracks by firing former FBI Director James Comey — hence, obstruction of justice.  Now comes word that Trump was mere moments from also firing the man who has been investigating him.

According to The New York Times and The Washington Post, Trump ordered White House Counsel Donald McGahn to fire Special Investigator Robert Mueller last June, but McGahn refused and threatened to quit if his hand was forced. Trump abandoned the idea after that.

If Donald Trump were completely innocent, he would step out of the way, allow a thorough investigation to totally exonerate him, get it over with, then move on with his life.  Instead, Trump’s every move has appeared to be the actions of a guilty man with something to hide.

“The evidence is compelling of President Trump’s corrupt intent to thwart the Russia investigation and obstruct justice,” said University of Notre Dame law professor Jimmy Gurule who also worked as a former federal prosecutor in the  George H.W. Bush administration.

“Trump, by his own admission, fired former FBI director James Comey because of the ‘Russia thing.’ One month later, the president attempted to fire Mueller, who was conducting the Russia investigation,” Gurule added, “The only reasonable inference to draw is that Trump, with corrupt intent, attempted to obstruct and impede the due administration of justice, which is a federal crime.”

Other experts also weighed in.

Secret Society
Allan Lichtman

“There’s as strong a case of obstruction of justice as there was against Bill Clinton on a vastly more important matter than a blue dress,” American University professor Allan Lichtman said. “Remember, virtually every Republican voted for an obstruction article against Bill Clinton.”

Lichtman added that he’s convinced the special counsel investigation has more damning evidence of illegal cooperation between the Trump campaign and Russia, which will be revealed soon.

“I believe we have the tip of the iceberg of what the special counsel knows about the relationship between Trump and the Trump team and the Russians. There’s a fair chance that the reason they were covering up all of those calls from then to be national security adviser with the Russians was to cover up a possible quid pro quo, the Russians will help us and in turn, we’ll ease those sanctions. Why else make those calls and why else lie about them?”

Lichtman also believes that Mueller already has a clear case of obstruction prepared against Trump, as well as a “host of crimes” — some of them deadly serious — related to a Russian conspiracy.

“I wouldn’t keep saying collusion isn’t a crime,” Lichtman said. “Of course not, but taking things of value from foreign nationals is a crime, aiding and abetting illegal computer hacking is a crime, negotiating as a private citizen with a hostile foreign power with which there is disputes is a crime. If this is serious enough, and I’ve taken a lot of flak for that, I think there even could be charges of treason. After all, Russia was waging war against us — not a war with bombs and bullets, but a cyber attack, an online attack designed to destroy democracy.”

Secret society

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Signs point to the case against Trump being in the 11th hour, with Mueller saying he is now ready to question “The Donald” under oath.  However, Republicans and members of Trump’s inner circle are fearful that Mueller has set a trap for Trump that the egotistical billionaire won’t be able to wiggle out of.  So, they’ve concocted the theory that a ‘secret society’ exists within the investigative team and that this ‘secret society’ won’t rest until it brings Trump down.

Firstly, there is no ‘SECRET society’ that wants to bring down Trump.  In fact, it’s no secret that a strong distaste for “The Donald” exists among some members of the FBI, the CIA, the US Military, the US Congress, and the American public.  However, just because someone might jump for joy at the demise of Donald Trump does not excuse any possible collusion or obstruction of justice on his part.  Glee does not grant a hall pass for treason.

Do you believe a ‘secret society’ exists among the FBI investigating team and that the team has it in for Donald Trump? If so, does their opinion totally taint the investigation?  Further, would the exposure of such a ‘secret society’ be enough to excuse Trump from colluding with Russia or obstructing justice?



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OK WASSUP! discusses the Top News Today:
Would a potential ‘secret society’ exonerate
 Donald Trump from collusion and obstruction?

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Do you believe a ‘secret society’ exists among the FBI investigating team and that the team has it in for Donald Trump? […] HAH. As if any such “secret society” would be necessary to catch those corrupt and dim-witted dim-bulbs!?! I mean Good. Lord. Which one of them hasn’t left a trial…nay TRAILS…a mile WIDE and FINGERPRINTS all over the place!?! THIS is what you get when dealing with a bunch of corrupt and craven amateurs, in positions of power, trying desperately to protect their leader – a flaming narcissist who is also a compulsive and serial lying mental midget…smh. ALL of them (Trump’s family, White House lawyers, his enablers/supporters) know d*mn well Trump can’t be trusted to tell the Truth about ANYTHING even if his life depends on it. Obviously right-wingers are pulling out all the stops to try and discredit Mueller’s investigation BEFORE the results are even disclosed… Read more »


DJ you make a good point. It doesn’t matter if the people investigating Trump like him or not. If he did something to be guilty for then he is guilty regardless. I wouldn’t doubt if a whole lot of Repubs and probably Mike Pence want Trump out because he is a nightmare to them. With him gone they could have their way. But that doesn’t change what he did so all that talk about secret society is bs.


BREAKING News – at about 1:30 PM EST- on MSNBC and CNN

“FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe stepping down”

WASHINGTON — FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has been attacked by President Donald Trump, stepped down Monday, multiple sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

McCabe will remain on the FBI payroll until he is eligible to retire with full benefits in mid-March, the sources said.

One source said McCabe was exercising his retirement eligibility and characterized his decision as “stepping aside.” […] -NBC News

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