Comments on: Sen. Bernie Sanders Announces Run For President News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Thu, 28 May 2015 09:31:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. BD Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:40:11 +0000 Bernie Sanders has about as much chance of becoming president as I do. All Hillary has to do is show him respect and she'll still win easy. Nothing to see here.

By: Truthiz1 Thu, 30 Apr 2015 17:54:44 +0000 I could be wrong…and certainly time will tell…..

But from where I sit …despite a few sacrificial lambs on the Dems side, Hillary still appears to have a clear path to the Presidency. And frankly, I say this with no amount of joy in my heart at all.

The Clintons are beyond any political powerhouse couple I've ever seen when it comes to being absolutely UNscrupulous. They are ompletely self-serving..and so smart, smug, and arrogant they're always up to something that doesn't quite pass the *smell* test while daring their opponents (primarily the Repubs) to prove it.

Politically, they fear no one save President Obama. And they will never have to face off against him again. In fact, next to Bill and Chelsea, Pres. Obama will be Hillary's next biggest champion because her election to the Presidency will serve to extend His legacy.

And perhaps most importantly……

Millions upon Millions of (mostly White) WOMEN all across America, along with a sizeable percentage of (mostly young White) males are ready to vote into office the first female President in U.S. history…who also happens to be…….

