
Senate Republicans Now Hold The Majority

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Don’t look now, but Senate Republicans currently hold a slim majority.

When President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris won The White House, the US Senate was evenly spilt 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans. However, since Ms. Harris is also the President of the Senate, she holds the power to break legislative ties, effectively giving Democrats majority rule. Now, a power shift has recently occurred, and, surprisingly, no one is talking about it.

Senate Republicans
Sen. Lujan

In late January, Democratic Sen. Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico suffered a debilitating stroke, which left him incapacitated and unable to vote. Regrettably, his health emergency also changed the landscape of the Senate, leaving Senate Republicans in the majority 50-49.

When Sen. Lujan had the stroke, his office kept the news private for more than a week. He was also forced to undergo cranial surgery. Although the senator has since filmed a video statement designed to give his constituents in New Mexico and both political parties a health update, the political news is a bit grim.

In the video, Sen. Lujan and his doctors said he will need to be away from the Senate for at least 4-6 weeks, which places his presumed return sometime in March. However, because senators are not permitted to vote unless they are in person and present on the Senate floor, Lujan’s absence has handed Senate Republicans at least temporary majority control.

Senate Republicans
President Biden

So far, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have not publicly discussed switching roles, or if such a move is even necessary or legal. Still, Democrats are hampered and unable to push through any sort of legislation until Sen. Lujan is healthy and back on the job.

Or, in other words, don’t expect President Biden to name his choice to replace Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer until Democrats have regained complete control and can assure Senate approval.

Stay tuned…

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Senate Republicans hold (temporary) majority

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Thanks for sharing this DJ!

Wow! This is incredibly important information to know.

Especially in light of the fact that the Dem’s majority was already “iffy” thanks to Senators Manchin and Sinema.


And let me also add (I should have said this first)…..

I do hope Sen. Lujan recovers well from his stroke and brain surgery.

I am reminded, that at any given point in time, one’s Life can change in an instant!


I hope nothing important comes up until the senator gets well. Repubs are real excited to turn back a lot of things not to mention the supreme court.

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