Comments on: Sexual Misconduct Allegations Gone Wild! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Tue, 14 Nov 2017 08:50:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wil Mon, 13 Nov 2017 23:19:30 +0000 USA Today:
Armed with signs, catchy phrases and a motivation to take #MeToo beyond the internet and into real life, a few hundred women, men and children gathered Sunday among the sex shops and tourist traps of Hollywood Boulevard to protest sexual harassment.

The Take Back the Workplace March and the #MeToo Survivors March joined forces in the heart of Hollywood, near the entrance to the Dolby Theater where the Academy Awards take place. They walked side by side past the tourists, costume shops, strip clubs and a man wearing a “Whiskey Made Me Do It” T-shirt to gather for a rally of rousing speeches from the likes of Harvey Weinstein accuser Lauren Sivan and Oscar-winning producer Cathy Schulman.

“Not in pots, not in plants, keep your junk inside your pants,” the crowd chanted for a few minutes, before shifting gears to: “Harvey Weinstein is a joke, women workers just got woke.”

Other chants included, “Survivors united, we’ll never be divided” and “Whatever we wear, wherever we go, ‘yes’ means ‘yes’ and ‘no’ means ‘no.’”

By: Mr.BD Mon, 13 Nov 2017 16:05:35 +0000 Yes some men do treat women like sex objects but some of these stories are probably not like they seem. The George Bush one is real suspect. Either he is trying to get his freak on from a wheel chair or somebody misunderstood. Weinstein is another story. He has a history of using power to control women. But so do a lot of men and women in Hollywood I think. But a few others probably have more details that were left out. Also DJ you are spot on about Donald Trump. If people are going to get upset about Weinsten they need to be upset about Trump too.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 13 Nov 2017 14:15:30 +0000 For some reason my first response is “awaiting moderation” and therefore I can’t edit the first sentence so that it reads: Well DJ, I have to say you’ve certainly *given* me a lot to think about regarding this issue because it certainly IS a problem within, I would wager, darn near every culture, community, and profession.

Anyway…back to DJ’s post – and more specifically his question:

“Also, if making unwanted sexual advances toward a woman disqualifies you from most jobs, how is Donald Trump sitting in the Oval Office today??”

Well therein lies the problem for the Republican party and for every American voter who voted for an ADMITTED sexual predator for President. They’ve lost all credibility and any moral standing they may have had prior to supporting such man. That’s all gone.

By: Truthiz1 Mon, 13 Nov 2017 13:37:57 +0000 Well DJ, I have to say you’ve certainly me a lot to think about regarding this issue because it certainly IS a problem within, I would wager, darn near every culture, community, and profession.

Btw- I noticed you didn’t include Roy Moore (Alabama Repub Senate candidate) on your list. The Washington Post broke that scandalous story 4 days ago.

Fulls story: “Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32”

No one with an ounce of integrity, a spec of intelligence and just plain old decency can dismiss that incredibly sourced piece of investigative journalism. And even more info has emerged since the original piece was published.

SEE: “Roy Moore’s attraction to teenage girls was ‘common knowledge,’ former deputy DA says”
