Comments on: SHERROD vs BREITBART News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:58:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Mon, 02 Aug 2010 17:36:32 +0000 IMO, she really should take her time, consult with a competent attorney OR two, get an Honest assessment of her chances BEFORE talking any more about this.Side-story: I don’t agree with NAACP’s decision to issue that resolution against “racist factions” of the Tea-party. In the end, the NAACP lost more credibility as a direct result of how Mrs. Sherrod’s case was mishandled, prompted by the very public fight between the NAACP and Tea Party extremists. Mr. Jealous has been noticeably absent from the public stage since having to apologize to Mrs. Sherrod upon admitting that he got PLAYED by Breitbart. But I will say this. If any “good” came from all this nonsense, it’s the following: It drove right-wing extremists AND their media cohorts completely OVER the edge. They’ve come completely Undone. Totally Unhinged. And in so doing ended up showing ALL of America, and the entire world, who they REALLY are and what they’re REALLY about. As if most of Us didn’t already know it!?! Anyway: Now a full-fledge fight among the “Crazies” in right-wing extremist-land, seems to be unfolding with different “Crazy” factions actually accusing OTHER “Crazy” factions of being “too crazy” for them to associate with…lol…it’s insane! 1. The “embarrassment” of being a SANE "conservative" “These days, however, the most prominent so-called conservatives are increasingly fit only to be cast for the next Dumb and Dumber sequel. They're dumb and crazy.” Read: <a href="… />2. “From Neocons to Crazy-cons: Once the conservative movement was about finding meaning in private life and public service. But it has undergone a shift toward demagoguery and hucksterism.”Read: <a href=",0,3905768.story… />If Mrs. Sherrod is paying any attention to some of this, she’s got to find it at least a little amusing at how right-wing “Crazies” are beginning to turn on each other.

By: BD Mon, 02 Aug 2010 14:08:32 +0000 Good I want this guy to get what he deserves. But I'm wondering how this makes her look since she first sued the Agriculture department and now Breitbart.
