Comments on: Shithole Remark Bites Trump In The Ass! News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 12 Feb 2018 06:03:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr.BD Tue, 16 Jan 2018 17:15:13 +0000 That video says it all. Trump is a bigot and has always been one. Except he is not fooling anybody anymore. The whole world is onto him. He is trying to whitewash America again for his base and erase Obama years like they never happened. That’s why he was right when he said he could go on fifth avenue and shoot somebody and his supporters wouldn’t even care. All they care about is white issues and him being the face of their white power. I can’t wait for this racist fool to get put out.

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 16 Jan 2018 16:56:15 +0000 How does one demonize black nations as “shithole” but roll out the welcome mat to white nations and get away with it? [….]

I agree with you DJ. “They don’t” But how much of a price will he actually pay? We shall see.

Trump and his enablers counted on his highly offensive comments playing well with his *base.* And indeed, for most of that bunch….it has. However, for the rest of America (the majority) and the world – it appears a general sense of revulsion at such a vile and vulgar creature is setting in.

Here’s the deal. It makes no difference if he actually said “sh*thole” or “sh*thouse” -the sentiment is the same. So his *base* and butt-kissers can Spare Me the BS denial. WE clearly understand that he didn’t just “demonize black nations” He demonized The People of those nations.

On other words, Trump IS who he IS and has shown himself to be for years, nay…decades; a malignant narcissist, a racist, bigot and xenophobe. He’s also a corrupt and pathological lying con-man. None of this is surprise to those of us who paid even the slightest attention to the guy.

But American voters put that creature in the White House (via the EC). As nation, the American people will have to reach a REAL breaking point whereby WE DEMAND that he be REMOVED from office before he does anymore damage to Our nation, to Our standing in the world and to Our national security.

I fear some damage may already be irreparable (sigh!)
