Delusional Trump Supporters Ignore Reality

Politics –
Delusional Trump
Supporters Ignore Reality
Donald Trump has perpetually proven that he lives in an alternate universe where HIS version of the truth is the ONLY version of the truth. Now, Trump supporters are proving that they’re just as delusional as he is!
Republican supporters are so blindly behind Donald Trump, that even when he blatantly says he will dismantle something as crucial to them as health care (which directly affects much of his poor, white demographics), they simply fall further in line behind him. When Donald Trump gets caught in a lie then re-twists his words as if he were misunderstood, as if the media was trying to make him look bad, or as if his remarks were merely a joke, his supporters accept that as if it’s all OK.
Well, it’s not OK.
Following Monday’s scathing appearance before congress by FBI Director James Comey detailing a formal investigation into the Trump campaign’s possible collusion with Russia in order to effect the 2016 presidential election, “The Donald” traveled to Louisville, KY to suck up some love from his supporters.
Remarkably, Trump never once mentioned the extraordinary allegations by intelligence officials against him. However, even more remarkably, his delusional supporters were quick to dismiss reality in favor of their own version of reality.
“I don’t believe in any of the Russian hacking or all of that stuff. I don’t believe so because it was all a setup,” said Wendy Lambert of Lynchville, KY, who absolutely refused to accept reality in favor of assuming all negative news against Trump is “Fake News.”
She added that in her opinion the setup “was mostly on the Democrats, on the Hillary side.”
Never mind that a foreign adversary has seemingly waged war by manipulating American democracy, Trump supporters have preferred to ignore the all-out attack against the US in favor of a Republicans vs. Democrats partisanship.
Janice Whitworth of Louisville also turned a blind eye to the Russian revelations, saying “there hasn’t been found any evidence of it yet.” She added that while Russia was “maybe using the media … none of the election devices or machines are connected to the internet” so she wasn’t concerned about hacking.
Unbelievable! Or, maybe not…
Trump supporters have consistently proven just how delusional they can be when it comes to their guy. In fact, they frequently remain hell-bent on believing anything that praises Trump and tears down his detractors.
James McDaniel wanted to put delusional Trump supporters to a test, so he published the intentionally fake news website, UndergroundNewsReport.com, just to see how wacky they could be.
“I was aiming for stories that no one would believe, but rather would be satirical in an age where disinformation is so prevalent,” McDaniel wrote on his website. “Just for fun, I decided to post some of the stories in Trump fan groups on Facebook to see the reactions.”
And, that’s where the fun began.
One fake story presented the headline “Wikileaks: Obama Ran Pedophile Ring Out Of Whitehouse.” It garnered more than 40,000 views. A Trump supporter responded by saying “I believe it. They are scum. Down with the obama’s his it wife (sic) are him took 111 million dollars worth of stuff that should be repaid back to the taxpayers. Back to America.”
Next, McDaniel created the fake story that Michelle Obama had undergone a secret sex change, as well as a story that Barack Obama once tweeted “Trump must be removed by any means necessary.” Not surprisingly, Trump supporters lapped up each story like a bowl of ice cream on a hot summer day.
McDaniel also tweeted a fake post suggesting that singer Adele told BBC news that President Obama “should be in jail.” A top comment from February 24th was giddy with delight and gushed over the (fake) revelation.
“I’m impressed by how this website tells us like it is,” the commenter wrote. “No sensationalism at all – straight facts and well-documented research, with sources and all. Thank god for the alternative media, that saves us from the mainstream garbage by showing us the truth.”
The only problem is, none of it was truth. It was all a lie, created to bait Trump supporters and prove just how delusional they can be.
“To my surprise, the Trump masses embraced my stories as fact, almost universally,” McDaniel said. “It seemed that there wasn’t anything I could write that was too wild or outrageous to be believed by this particular audience.”
Within just a few short weeks of his website going live, McDaniel amassed more than a million views, thousands of comments, as well as hundreds of thousands of “likes” and “shares” on Facebook.
Can anyone really be this delusional? Sadly, yes they can!
DJ your pic with the white women wearing the shirts Make America white again said it all. Don't you know this is all about race. Trump is the great white hope to save the white race. They could care less about Russia or whatever. Long as Trump is making white america look like they are in power again after a black man that's all they are concerned with. But when Trump and the Repubs start pulling back Obama care and all these poor white trash start dying of coal mine disease and can't afford to take their baby to the hospital let's see what they think then.
Wall St. journal:
Trump clings to wiretap claim ‘like a drunk to an empty gin bottle."
I have to admit, I was somewhat surprised by The Wall Street Journal's smack-down of Trump.
Then again. The WSJ is a very "Conservative" leaning newspaper. The writers know that Donald Trump is neither "Conservative" nor Republican.
He's just….Trump.
BD pretty much nailed it. This is mostly about Race (racism) and bigotry. .
Trump supporters voted for the BIG lie – "I'm gonna make America great again."…knowing it's a BIG lie.
Now some of his supporters are certified "headcases" No doubt about it. But they ain't THAT crazy!
They know d*mn well who Trump is and what he's really about. They know he's "a narcissist, a liar, an imbecile and a fraud."
They just don't give a d*mn because (as I've expressed before) he gives COVER to their endless bullsh*t. They can related to him because many of them are afflicted with the same character defects Trump has – beginning with Scapegoating their many FAILURES in life.
You see – their failures are never THEIR failures. Nooo. It's always the fault of someone else. They're such VICTIMS of all those "Others" don'tcha know.
To paraphrase one TAC reader: :
{They} want a president that is "one of Us" and will "make Us great." Ah …as long as it costs "Us" nothing and costs are put on all those "Undeserving Others"….or those rich establishment elitists.
And if {Trump} does not make "Us" great, it is not his fault because, like Us, He is up against the insurmountable elitist establishment.
Like, we voted for him but there is no way we are responsible for what he does or does not do. He is the light shining on the darkness, he is…well, gag, he is, ah, serious not literal. […]
IMO. the only people more dangerous than Trump are HIS Supporters.