American born al-Qaida terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki: DEAD
12 top al-Qaida terrorist figures: DEAD
Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi: DEAD
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak: RESIGNED
U.S. led Libyan military mission: DONE. SOLDIERS COMING HOME
Who knew that the Barack Obama presidency would come to be known as a foreign policy success?? Not many. But one look at his track record and you’ll clearly see that President Obama’s highly criticized “lead from behind” doctrine has cleansed the world of ruthless dictators, defeated al-Qaida one terrorist at a time, captured and killed Osama bin Laden, cleaned up a variety of messes George W. Bush left behind, and done so all with little to no American military casualties.
It’s hard to argue that President Obama has not been surprisingly, if not exceptionally good at a foreign policy skill his presidential challengers all believed back in 2008 would fall flat due to his lack of “experience.” Yet, today’s crop of GOP presidential hopefuls are scrambling for the words to continue knocking the president at a time when his victories make those Republican detractors look silly.
Mitt Romney and his GOP counterparts have taken turns saying Barack Obama is undermining American greatness, is ashamed of his country, is a left-wing weakling, and have even called him an Ivy League sophisticate steeped in anti-American self-loathing. But can those wild claims really stick now that a string of successes at capturing and killing the world’s “worst of the worst,” has the president polling 10 to 15 points higher on national security than on almost any other issue?
Barack Obama going after bad guys across the globe is not what the American people expected when they elected him, and is certainly not the Obama Republicans expected they’d have to run against in 2012. But despite a lagging economy, the Obama foreign policy checklist is ticking off one success after another. And it’s a winning scorecard that could reward him with 4 more years in the White House.
Mr. Obama has hedged some rather huge bets on national security that have each paid off in dividends. Republicans criticized the president’s decision to intervene militarily in Libya, some even saying he waited too long, shouldn’t have allowed NATO to be in charge, or should have stayed out completely. But with news of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s capture and death (all with minimal cost and with no loss of American life), the president and his decision has been vindicated, prompting praise from a variety of sources:
“Reagan tried to get Gaddafi and missed; Obama got him. Bush tried to get bin Laden; Obama got him. He got Awlaki (the American-born cleric who became a terrorist leader). Twelve of the 16 top al Qaeda leaders are dead, and he’s done that.”
– Assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration Lawrence Korb
“To rid the world of Osama bin Laden, Anwar al-Awlaki and Moammar Qaddafi within six months: if Obama were a Republican, he’d be on Mount Rushmore by now.”
– Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Beast
“I understand the left’s problem with Obama’s national security policy. But the right? What the hell is their problem? Obama has escalated our presence dramatically in Afghanistan; he created a massive drone air force that’s all but wiped out al-Qaeda in Pakistan; he killed Osama bin Laden; he approved a multilateral military operation in Libya that ended up killing Muammar Qaddafi; he sent a SEAL team out to kill Somali pirates; he assassinates U.S. citizens in foreign countries who are associated with al-Qaeda; and he’s done more to isolate and sanction Iran than George Bush ever did. Crikey. Just how bloodthirsty do they want the guy to be?”
– Kevin Drum at Mother Jones
<span>It's hard to argue that President Obama has not been surprisingly, if not exceptionally good at a foreign policy skill his presidential challengers all believed back in 2008 would fall flat due to his lack of "experience." […] And ironically there is NO louder champion of the Presdient in this regard than HILLARY CLINTON. "Yet, today's crop of GOP presidential hopefuls are scrambling for the words to continue knocking the president at a time when his victories make those Republican detractors look silly." HAH. As IF that ridicules bunch ever looks anything but "silly" these days..smh. No doubt. The Prez. demonstrating over-and-over again to the American people, AND THE WORLD, that he can manage Our National Security/Foreign policy just fine, Thank You Very Much, is KILLING the Repubs. On a related note: The President FINALLY appears to be focusing like a laser on our domestic/economic issues. He's seeking out ways to get AROUND the Repubs in Congress, by doing those things he CAN do by "Exectuve Order." I'm interested to learn more about the his new economic initiative, "We Can't Wait." He has a year to work his tuckus off applying his smarts and pragmatic approach to BEGIN moving this country in the right direction again. It's going to be long, hard haul. Let the Repub "clowns" continue being CLOWNS (SEE: Rick Perry's latest Bitherism attack against the President). They've got absolutely NOTHING else to offer.</span>
Hey DJ I'm glad you put this list together. I myself didn't know all this had happen on Obama's watch. It looks like his lead from behind has been working out but too bad the Repubs will never admit it. They will shoot themselves in the foot pretending not to acknowledge these successes for there own gain.