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Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to “silly season.”

This is the time during an election year when political games just become downright silly.

The kick-off to silly season this presidential voting year begins in the great state of Arizona — the same great state that originally refused to honor the national Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and currently racially profiles Hispanics on its streets.

This silly season begins where the last silly season left off:  by asking the question “Is Barack Obama an American citizen and truly eligible to be President of the United States?”

Yes, folks, the man who has already been president for nearly 4 years, who already produced a valid and legitimate birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, is STILL being racially profiled questioned about his citizenship.  WOW!

Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican exploring a 2014 race for governor, issued a statement saying he intends to keep President Obama off the Arizona ballot in November unless Mr. Obama physically shows him his actual birth certificate and proves he is eligible to hold the highest elected office in the nation.

“At the request of a constituent, I asked the state of Hawaii for a verification in lieu of certified copy,” Bennett said. “We’re merely asking them to officially confirm they have the president’s birth certificate in their possession and are awaiting their response.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Last April, President Obama released the long form of his birth certificate authenticating that he was indeed born in Hawaii as a way to defuse what he called the “silliness” surrounding the document.  But Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio went public with his belief that the document was forged and spent 6 months investigating it. Arizona’s Republican Gov. Jan Brewer has also been at odds with Mr. Obama, totally disrespecting him and the office of the presidency on an airport tarmac by pointing her finger in his face over their differences in immigration reform.

So, unless Mr. Obama physically hands them his original birth certificate, Arizona could very well keep him off their ballot in November, effectively handing Mitt Romney all of their electoral votes.

Incidentally, Arizona does not question and is not requesting the birth certificate of presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney — they only want President Obama’s.  Hmmm… I wonder why?


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. <span>If, given ALL that THIS President has been subjected to…the likes of which NO other President in American history ever had to endure…THIS President still wins re-election, there are NO words, IMO, that can adequately express the magnitude of what it will say about how far this country has actually come.    So by all means..let the members of the modern day *Jim Crow* club carry on. </span>

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