First it was Michele Bachmann. Then it was Rick Perry. Then it was Herman Cain. Now it is Newt Gingrich. Yes, it’s Tuesday — which means the Republican presidential front runner has changed once again. Well, what else is new?
The first ballots will be cast in less than 60 days, yet the Republican Party is in such disarray it has no idea who the party nominee should be. The GOP changes front runners like a greasy spoon diner changes its lunch specials. But one thing is clear: the Republicans still believe in ABR… ANYBODY BUT ROMNEY!
One former “front runner” candidate recently proved why he’ll never be the Republican nominee or President of the United States. In a weekend interview, Herman Cain was asked a very simple and lightweight question: Do you agree with President Obama on Libya? Not a master of foreign policy by any stretch of the imagination, you won’t believe your eyes when you see for yourself just how ol’ Herman handled this one:
"Clueless" describes the entire GOP. The entire party has now officially devolved into a heaping pile of "Know -nothing" and "Clueless" crap. Repub politicians and "conservative" voters alike are just NOT a very bright bunch. Not by ANY stretch of the imagination_smh. But the likes of Palin and Rush Limbaugh and others of that ilk consistantly promote a culture of proud ignorance among right-wing voters_so it is what it is. Cain is but the latest high-profile Repub to publicly "Out" himself as "Clueless. Btw: I see the media and their little pollster pals are up to NO GOOD again. Depending on which "news" stations you watch _AND which *poll* that station is touting_you have 3 different so-called GOP "front-runners"…Mitt, Cain and (as DJ pointed out) now Newt (HAH. too funny). And yet, I'm supposed to take *polls* seriously??? I.don't.think.so.But back to Cain and the other "Clueless" folk posing as GOP presdiential candidatesIt remains to be seen IF Cain's fake presidential campaign is done(?) Poor fella. Newt knows (and just about every intelligent-thinking voter knows) if you're seriously considering HIM for the GOP nomination, the party truly is in deep DOO-DOO. All of the GOP candidates are deeply flawed. But Newt truly is in a "FLAWED" class all by himself. So the subtext remains: The Repub field is a sorry lot. Just pitiful, reflecting the overall state of the GOP.The Repubs can delude themselves from now until the next election. The media and their pollster pals can keep doing what they do, peddling BS. Mitt is NOT going to get the majority ABR votes. As DJ pointed out (and rightly so) Mitt is a Mormon. End of story.