Did Rush Limbaugh really call a young co-ed a slut and a prostitute? You bet he did!
In case you missed it, Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke appeared before a congressional committee last week, in support of the Obama administration’s stance on religious-affiliated institutions and contraception. But the ultra-conservative Limbaugh didn’t quite care for Ms. Fluke’s opinions, and took to his radio show for a bit of name calling against the birth control advocate. Did Rush go too far? Hmmm, yes and no!
Sure, his words were way over the line and deserving of condemnation. But Limbaugh played directly into the Democratic playbook. Politically speaking, his words were perfection. Limbaugh is frequently seen as the mouthpiece of the Republican party. So by calling a woman a “slut” for wanting to protect her right to birth control, it’s as if he was speaking on behalf of the entire party. And make no mistake, everyone took notice.
Democrats had a field day over the weekend taking Limbaugh to task for his harsh yet childish name calling. They also enjoyed watching Mitt Romney squirm, by not quite knowing how to respond and therefore choosing to not respond at all.
After much prodding from Democrats and Republicans alike in a potential PR nightmare for the GOP, Limbaugh eventually offered a half-hearted apology to the young woman, saying “in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize.” But women as a whole were not amused.
Within the past 24 hours, Limbaugh’s Twitter feed has been all abuzz with public outcry: “Hey @rushlimbaugh. Apologies are 3 things: I was wrong, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. You failed,” tweeted one woman. Another woman called his words “one of those non-apology apologies that come off as snide and condescending.” At least one sponsor has decided to cease advertising on Limbaugh’s radio show.
<span><span>Well.Well.Well. So it seems, in 2012, the undoing of Rush Limbaugh may end up being at the hands of the nasty little "piggish" man himself…smh. It's going to be interesting, to say the least, listening to how Rush is going to try to spin this. </span><span>I didn't comment in this story last week (when it first broke) because I wanted to wait and see how serious the fallout was going to be. I'd say Rush LOSING (as of thei morning) SEVEN major advertisers means that the fallout is indeed serious. And frankly, $$$_or the losss of it_is the ONLY thing that ignorant-azz, and vulgar little "entertainers" like Rush understand. </span><span>The fact that NO Repub presidential candidate had the balls to STEP UP and redudiate Limbaugh's HIGHLY offensive comments towards Ms. Fluke speaks VOLUMES about the GOP and the men they call "leaders" wihtin that party. </span><span>I can in NO WAY speak for ALL women.… Read more »