Comments on: SO LONG, ‘CURSIVE’ News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 07:57:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doc Johnnie Thu, 09 Oct 2014 02:32:26 +0000 You totally missed the point about cursive writing. The whole point is not about beautiful handwriting, it is about the motor skills involved with controlling an instrument. This skill applies to the adult world and manipulation of tools and instruments used in one's real-life work.

By: Truthiz Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:32:42 +0000 Wow. You're probably right DJ. But I think it's pretty sad. Gadgets of all eras come to an end…no surprise there. But *writing* (whether it be printing or Cursive) is a Skill ..not a gadget and therefore, IMO, it still has a lot of value. I'm probably in the minority. But I think a society that surrenders most of its human knowledge, skills and abilities to technology is a society doomed to become little more than a society *Ruled* by machines. With all of the technological advances in tele-communications and other related fields, more and more young people have lost the ability to write, calculate mathematically, Communicate face-to-face, critcally think, etc.A massive blowout preventing people from being able to access the many gadgets We've now become so dependent on would trigger major calamities and pure chaos. Some people would darn near lose their minds because they'd be forced to USE THEIR BRAINS and natural skills and abilities for the first time in a loooong time, IF EVER. Many of them have forgotten, or perhaps never learned, how to do that!

By: Truthiz Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:32:22 +0000 Wow. You're probably right DJ. But I think it's pretty sad. Gadgets of all eras come to an end…no surprise there. But *writing* (whether it be printing or Cursive) is a Skill ..not a gadget and therefore, IMO, it still has a lot of value. I'm probably in the minority. But I think a society that surrenders most of its human knowledge, skills and abilities to technology is a society doomed to become little more than a society *Ruled* by machines. With all of the technological advances in tele-communications and other related fields, more and more young people have lost the ability to write, calculate mathematically, Communicate face-to-face, critcally think, etc.A massive blowout preventing people from being able to access the many gadgets We've now become so dependent on would trigger major calamities and pure chaos. Some people would darn near lose their minds because they'd be forced to USE THEIR BRAINS and natural skills and abilities for the first time in a loooong time, IF EVER. Many of them have forgotten, or perhaps never learned, how to do that!
