Were you one of the lucky ones able to see and experience the solar eclipse 2024?
Entertainment :
With another eclipse not set to cross the United States for another 20 years, I took the trip up to Buffalo/Niagara Falls in New York State to be in the path of totality and witness the heavenly event in person and in all its splendor.
Unfortunately, cloud cover in the region prevented a clear view of the sky. Instead, we were treated to brief glimpses of the moon crossing in front of the sun that provided some memorable images. However, there is no experience on this earth like seeing the entire sky go from daylight to total darkness in a matter of about 3 seconds — and remain dark for approx. 4 minutes before returning to daylight.

The air turned from warm to chilly within an instant. The birds assumed it was night and immediately stopped singing. However, the crowds roared with glee at the rare occurrence.
In case you missed it, here’s a video of the eclipse from Niagara Falls for you to enjoy. I certainly did.
OK WASSUP! covers Entertainment News:
Revisiting the solar eclipse 2024.
I wish I could have gone to see it. I bet it was spectacular.