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Son Of A Bitch: NFL, NBA, Others, Take On Trump

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Son of a bitch…

Donald Trump is at it again.  After calling former NFL player Colin Kaepernick and anyone who refuses to stand during the national anthem a ‘Son of a bitch,’ Trump has ignited an all-out war against the NFL, the NBA, and a host of related others.

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In case you’re unaware, here’s the scorecard: “The Donald” is now fighting an uphill battle against the players, owners, and fans of the NFL;  Colin Kaepernick and his mother; Stephen Curry and the NBA Champion Golden State Warriors; Cleveland Cavaliers star Lebron James; and anyone who believes in a little something called the First Amendment.

The latest brouhaha all began last Friday at an Alabama GOP rally, when Trump attempted to make an example of Kaepernick and anyone who desired to exercise their right to freedom of speech by kneeling (instead of standing) during the national anthem prior to NFL football games.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired. He’s fired,'” Trump said. “You know, some owner is going to do that. He’s going to say, ‘That guy that disrespects our flag, he’s fired.’ And that owner, they don’t know it [but] they’ll be the most popular person in this country.”

son of a bitch

Not long after injecting himself into the discussion, all hell broke loose, making Trump the LEAST popular person in the country.

NFL players, owners, and fans immediately spoke out against “The Donald,” condemning him for his crass use of the term ‘son of a bitch’ and failure to respect the First Amendment rights of Americans.

Trump is “focusing like a laser on the major problems of the American people: black professional athletes with opinions,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said on Twitter.

“The behavior of the President is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. If you do not Condemn this divisive Rhetoric you are Condoning it!!” NFL player Richard Sherman tweeted.

Even Colin Kaepernick’s mom fired back against Trump calling her son a ‘son of a bitch.’

“Guess that makes me a proud bitch!” Teresa Kaepernick tweeted.

son of a bitchInstead of realizing he was in the midst of a public relations nightmare, “The Donald” remained in true Trump form and simply doubled down on his divisive remarks.

“If a player wants the privilege of making millions of dollars in the NFL, or other leagues, he or she should not be allowed to disrespect. … our Great American Flag (or Country) and should stand for the National Anthem. If not, YOU’RE FIRED. Find something else to do!” Trump tweeted Saturday.

By the next day, an entire movement was born.  Players, coaches, owners and even the NFL league office joined together in a forceful condemnation of Donald Trump to prove that he had grossly overplayed his hand.

“Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities,” NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement.  He then went on to announce that the NFL will air the commercial “Inside These Lines,” promoting societal unity and tolerance.

“It reflects the unifying force of our great game, our players & clubs,” Goodell said on Twitter.

On Sunday, the Seattle Seahawks and Tennessee Titans opted to stay inside their locker room and not take the field at all during the singing of the national anthem, issuing the following statement:

“As a team, we have decided we will not participate in the national anthem. We will not stand for the injustice that has plagued people of color in this country. Out of love for our country and in honor of the sacrifices made on our behalf, we unite to oppose those that would deny our most basic freedoms. We remain committed in continuing to work towards equality and justice for all.  Respectfully, The Players of the Seattle Seahawks.”


Shad Khan, owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, joined his players and the Baltimore Ravens on the field to lock arms and kneel in solidarity prior to their game.  In Detroit, singer Rico Lavelle knelt as he sang the national anthem.  In Nashville, singer Megan Lindsey did the same.  Additionally, members of the Miami Dolphins wore “I’m with Kap” T-shirts.

The unity protests came only a day after Trump waded into yet another controversy involving a sports team.

son of a bitch

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After Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry said he would not attend the traditional NBA champions celebration at the White House, “The Donald” threw a temper tantrum.

“Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!” Trump tweeted, apparently oblivious to the fact that he couldn’t actually withdraw an invitation that had already been declined!

Trump also failed to recognize his own double standard, since he never uttered a peep when Tom Brady opted not to go to The White House following his Super Bowl win. This prompted NBA star Lebron James to fire back against America’s so-called “leader.”

son of a bitch

Additionally, the Golden State Warriors issued a statement, announcing that although they will still travel to Washington, DC, their trip will not include a stop at Trump’s White House.

“In lieu of a visit to the White House, we have decided that we’ll constructively use our trip to the nation’s capital in February to celebrate equality, diversity, and inclusion — the values that we embrace as an organization,” the statement read.

Colin Kaepernick began to kneel during the national anthem at NFL games last fall in an effort to call attention to the racism in this country that continues to manifest itself in police brutality, economic inequality, and disparity in education.  As an American citizen, it is his First Amendment right to exercise freedom of speech.  However, America’s current Commander-In-Chief somehow believes he has the authority to dictate when someone can or can not utilize their right.  WRONG!

By jumping into the middle of this powerful issue, Donald Trump has effectively embraced an “us versus them” mentality regarding politics and patriotism. He has proven to be a divider instead of a uniter due to the added element here of the issue of race, since his fight targets prominent professional African-American players. Thankfully, NFL owners have chosen to back their players and take up the fight.  However, if they really want to make a difference and if they really want to teach Donald Trump a lesson in freedom of speech, it’s time for ONE of them to sign Colin Kaepernick to a contract.

Is Donald Trump correct to force his opinion of what is or isn’t “patriotism” on others?  Or is he blatantly disregarding the rights of Americans, particularly African-Americans, to make use of the freedoms afforded to all citizens?


A REAL president vs. Donald Trump:




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OK WASSUP! discusses Top News Today:
‘Son of a bitch’ comment lands Trump in trouble.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. He is dangerously calculating and as always it’s about him and only him, d*mn the consequences of his words and actions. There are several pressing issues bearing down on him: 1) the GOP’s efforts to Repeal and Replace of Obamacare appears to be heading for DEFEAT for the third time; 2) His candidate in Alabama’s Senate race, Luther Strange, appears to be heading for a DEFEAT in his run against Judge Roy Moore. All eyes will be on that important election tomorrow; 3) RUSSIA. Trump knows darn well it’s NOT a “hoax” and he knows the investigations are really progressing.

    Add North Korea to the list and it’s clear, it’s all potentially really really BAD news for Trump so he did what he always does -throw a BIG ole nasty piece of DISTRACTION out there in order to deflect attention AWAY from those issues while also feeding his base some much needed red meat. In this case, Trump attacked professional Black athletes by hijacking the narrative (the actual reason Kaepernick began kneeling in the first place) and using the flag to serve his own narcissistic self-interest. A 5-times Vietnam DRAFT-DODGER.

    You cannot make this stuff up!

  2. GOP Sen. Ben Sasse tweeted:
    “NFL players: You have the right to protest Trump tmrw. But aren’t there better ways than kneeling before the flag soldiers died to defend?” – Sept. 23, 2017

    GOP Sen. Ben Sasse:
    “Btw, Trump wants you to kneel–because it divides the nation, with him and the flag on the same side. Don’t give him the attention he wants.” – Sept. 23, 2017

    H/T: RedState

  3. I was running late for work this morning and couldn’t respond but I finally got some time now. Anyway this whole mess just shows how ignorant Donald Trump is. Being able to take a knee is what the flag is for. We have the right to do it if we want because of what it stands for. So Trump trying to change all that just because he doesn’t like it is stupid. DJ is right about the us versus them thing he is trying to create and Truth is probably right that he is just doing a fake out to make us thing about other things. But what kind of president divides a whole country just as a game or to protect himself? I can’t take this guy no more.

    1. “But what kind of president divides a whole country just as a game or to protect himself?”

      The kind of cretin who was NEVER fit to be President in the first place BD. The kind who thrives on chaos, Hatred, ignorance AND division.

      Donald. J. Trump.

  4. Btw- I’m really curious about something……

    I wonder if most of the players who participated in Peaceful protests yesterday plan to continue protesting? Or was it just a one-day thing for most of them? (which I suspect it was) And if it was just a one-day thing for most of them then what exactly was their point?

    The truth is, 99.9 % of Black players certainly hadn’t been moved to support Kaepernick’s efforts during the past year. In fact, LeSean McCoy had expressed that Kaepernick was “not worth the distraction.”

    So was yesterday about showing solidarity with Colin’s message…for a day? Or were players motivated more by Anger at Trump for suggesting that any pro-athlete who protests should be “fired”..?

  5. From Shaun King:
    Trump directed some of the harshest words of his presidency not at ascendant neo-Nazis or even opposition politicians, but peaceful NFL stars, many of them black, taking a knee to bring attention to a cause they care about deeply. What makes this so unique is that it wasn’t a Joe Biden hot mic moment: It was an intentional attack on free speech.

    The outrage was instantaneous. Athletes and entertainers expressed their disgust. Soon, the remarks became a national, and even international, discussion.

    Then came Sunday. It was the largest single day of protest in NFL history. Instead of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee, 19 teams had about 200 players who participated in protests of some kind; many took a knee or had a seat during the national anthem. Three teams opted not to come out for the anthem at all.

    And they weren’t alone: The protesting players were joined by owners, some of whom even decided to go down to the field to lock arms with their players as a form of solidarity. Front offices from team after team blasted Trump’s words at the Alabama rally in official press statements and tweeted infographics — all saying some version of how much they disagreed with Trump’s divisive tone or rhetoric.

    And that’s where we have to pause.

    The popular demands on NFL executives and owners to speak out against Trump seem strange. Most NFL owners and general managers are unknown to your average American. But here’s the thing: What Trump said about NFL players who take a knee during the national anthem was hardly different from what NFL owners have not only said, but actually done to Kaepernick.

  6. I’m hearing John Kelly wasn’t happy about Trump going after black football players. That wasn’t in the plan.

  7. Tues. Sept. 26, 2017

    TAC Reader:
    I know very little about football and haven’t watched it since my daughter stopped playing in the band during our high school halftime. But if the reports are true, Trump has outdone himself in malign genius.
    This evil demagogue knows: if Americans go to the polls thinking about race, the Republicans, party of the whites, who are still the majority, will win. If they go to the polls thinking about something else — the economy, health care, the dignity of the country, foreign policy, whatever — he will lose. And he just ensured that every football season, millions upon millions of Americans will be thinking about race, over and over again.

    Pure evil, malign genius–born not of feeble calculation but of the stupid, low, and unerring cunning of the vicious. […]

  8. Tues. Sept. 26, 2017

    Added to the list of serious issues Trump is feverishly tweeting to DISTRACT Americans from:

    – “Irma and Maria hurricane victims in Florida, PUERTO RICO, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.”

    – at least SIX of his closest aides -INCLUDING Ivanka and Jared Kushner- have used their own “private server” to conduct office White House-related business on multiple occasions (an act the Repubs, Trump in particular, demanded Hillary be locked up for).

    There’s just no end to the staggering Corruption, Cynicism, Incompetencies and Hypocrisies of this utterly disgraceful sham of a presidency

  9. BREAKING: Sept. 26, 2017 at 2:08 PM

    “Senate won’t vote on last-ditch Obamacare repeal bill”

    The GOP made the decision after it was clear the plan would fail.

    Senate Republicans do not intend to vote on the Graham-Cassidy bill, putting an end to their Obamacare repeal effort for now.

    The decision was reached Tuesday after it became clear the bill would fail. Three Senate Republicans had said they would vote against the measure, and the GOP could only afford two defections. […]

    H/T: Politico

  10. Trump is a asshole but he’s right. These boys make millions of dollars a year so stand up and honor yyour own freakin country for christ sakes!!

  11. The truth is – from the beginning of Kaepernick Peacefully protesting during the playing of the national anthem in protest of inequities, police brutalities and other injustices against Blacks/African Americans and other minorities in the United States – I have been ambivalent about the protest…whether demonstrated by sitting or kneeling. However, I completely understand (and share) Kaepernick’s frustration.

    But THIS I do NOT understand. What led to professional sports in America “shilling” for the military in the first place? TAC writer, Stephen Beale has written a very informative piece laying out the entire PHONY “patriotic” scam.

    ” The Real Problem: The Militarization of the NFL”

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