Comments on: Son Of A Bitch: NFL, NBA, Others, Take On Trump News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Mon, 02 Oct 2017 03:14:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Wed, 27 Sep 2017 11:26:58 +0000 The truth is – from the beginning of Kaepernick Peacefully protesting during the playing of the national anthem in protest of inequities, police brutalities and other injustices against Blacks/African Americans and other minorities in the United States – I have been ambivalent about the protest…whether demonstrated by sitting or kneeling. However, I completely understand (and share) Kaepernick’s frustration.

But THIS I do NOT understand. What led to professional sports in America “shilling” for the military in the first place? TAC writer, Stephen Beale has written a very informative piece laying out the entire PHONY “patriotic” scam.

” The Real Problem: The Militarization of the NFL”

By: Random White Guy Tue, 26 Sep 2017 20:54:40 +0000 Trump is a asshole but he’s right. These boys make millions of dollars a year so stand up and honor yyour own freakin country for christ sakes!!

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 26 Sep 2017 18:31:25 +0000 BREAKING: Sept. 26, 2017 at 2:08 PM

“Senate won’t vote on last-ditch Obamacare repeal bill”

The GOP made the decision after it was clear the plan would fail.

Senate Republicans do not intend to vote on the Graham-Cassidy bill, putting an end to their Obamacare repeal effort for now.

The decision was reached Tuesday after it became clear the bill would fail. Three Senate Republicans had said they would vote against the measure, and the GOP could only afford two defections. […]

H/T: Politico

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 26 Sep 2017 17:46:36 +0000 Tues. Sept. 26, 2017

Added to the list of serious issues Trump is feverishly tweeting to DISTRACT Americans from:

– “Irma and Maria hurricane victims in Florida, PUERTO RICO, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.”

– at least SIX of his closest aides -INCLUDING Ivanka and Jared Kushner- have used their own “private server” to conduct office White House-related business on multiple occasions (an act the Repubs, Trump in particular, demanded Hillary be locked up for).

There’s just no end to the staggering Corruption, Cynicism, Incompetencies and Hypocrisies of this utterly disgraceful sham of a presidency

By: Truthiz1 Tue, 26 Sep 2017 16:59:58 +0000 Tues. Sept. 26, 2017

TAC Reader:
I know very little about football and haven’t watched it since my daughter stopped playing in the band during our high school halftime. But if the reports are true, Trump has outdone himself in malign genius.
This evil demagogue knows: if Americans go to the polls thinking about race, the Republicans, party of the whites, who are still the majority, will win. If they go to the polls thinking about something else — the economy, health care, the dignity of the country, foreign policy, whatever — he will lose. And he just ensured that every football season, millions upon millions of Americans will be thinking about race, over and over again.

Pure evil, malign genius–born not of feeble calculation but of the stupid, low, and unerring cunning of the vicious. […]
