South Carolina Cop Kills Fleeing Black Man
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South Carolina Cop Kills Fleeing Black Man
Here we go again!A white police officer has killed an unarmed black man in North Charleston, SC. However, with videotape to prove it, the officer has been charged with murder!
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The ugly scene began last Saturday when Officer Michael Slager pulled Walter Lamer Scott over for driving his Mercedes-Benz with a broken taillight. According to the police report, Mr. Scott skipped out on the traffic stop and ran into a vacant lot, prompting Officer Slager to chase after him. A scuffle ensued and Mr. Scott grabbed the officer’s stun gun. Fearing for his life, Slager had no choice but to shoot Mr. Scott.
That may have been the end of the story — until a video taken by an anonymous bystander revealed a completely different turn of events.
In the videotape, Officer Slager and Mr. Scott are indeed shown in a vacant lot. However, taser wires from the stun gun are seen extending from Mr. Scott’s body as the 2 men scuffle and Mr. Scott turns to run. That is when Officer Slager is seen firing 8 shots into Mr. Scott’s back, killing him with the final shot.
Moments later, Officer Slager returns to the site of the struggle and picks up an object believed to be the stun gun he claims Mr. Scott had taken from him. Slager is then seen dropping the object at Mr. Scott’s lifeless body.
After the deaths of black males at the hands of police in New York, Cleveland and Ferguson, Mo., this latest killing will almost certainly rekindle the wave of protests that overtook the nation last December. However, this time, city officials are joining the deceased man’s family in seeking justice against the murdering cop.

“He has 4 children; he doesn’t have some type of big violent past or arrest record,” said Chris Stewart, a lawyer for Mr. Scott’s family. “He had a job; he was engaged. He had back child support and didn’t want to go to jail for back child support.”
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“When you’re wrong, you’re wrong,” Mayor Keith Summey said during a news conference. “And if you make a bad decision, don’t care if you’re behind the shield or just a citizen on the street, you have to live by that decision.”
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division has launched a full investigation into the shooting and the F.B.I. and the U.S. Justice Department have also begun inquiries. Tonight, Officer Slager sits in a jail cell charged with murder. If convicted, he could face life in prison or the death penalty.
So, what’s next? Could this finally be the end of “open season” on police killing black men? Will police wise up and realize “Black Lives Matter” is more than just a slogan? Or will a jury let this cop go free and allow him to end up right back on the streets killing more unarmed black men?
@DJ- Thank You. Thank You. Thank You!!!
As heartbreaking as this video is (I could barely watch it one time last night)…these stories MUST be told. These videos MUST be shown.
To say that I have reached the point of being ENRAGED would be an UNderstatement. I am WAAAAY beyond that! And I have always been a woman of Peace.
Honestly, when I read the story DJ posted about all of racists bullsh*t recently exposed concerning the police department of San Francisco- a city btw long considered to be "a bastion of progressive ideals" – I was NOT suprised at all. Thoroughly disgusted? Yes. Angry? You're darn skippy. But sadly, NOT suprised.
WE The People of Color (Black-American males in particular) are under attack by White Supremacists.
Let me be clear- I am in no way saying that ALL police departments in America are corrupt and infested with White Supremacists using their badges and guns to kill UNarmed Black males with impunity.
But I am saying that THAT is exactly the reality in far too many police departments across this country.
Whenever a cop comes anywehre near ANY of us EVERYBODY standing near-by and with a cell-phone take your phones out and start recording. Then turn the video over to the victim's family AND to the NATIONAL media NOT just the local media.
WE MUST fight back by ANY legal means necessary!!!
Yes DJ thank you. I agree with Truth 100 per cent this story needs to get told. A whole lot of people out there made excuses about why Michael Brown got shot or why Eric Garner got strangled. But here's proof of a man not a danger to anybody that was stopped for tail lights getting shot and killed. We all need to be outranged that something like this could happen in this day and age. I'm glad the cop got charged with murder. As for the question will this stop open season on black men? Nope. Sadly black lives don't matter to a lot of white cops. We have to keep telling the story and making things uncomfortable so maybe they think twice before pulling that trigger.
The cop didn't have to kill the guy, but he must have done something to provoke the situation. Why was the guy running when he was told to freeze? He might be alive if he followed instructions.
@RWG- Here's why Scott was running- Please read below and then tell me exactly what he did to deserve being shot in the back …and (if reports are true) MULTIPLE TIMES no less!?!
The Post and Courier of North Charleston:
The confrontation started when Slager had reportedly pulled over Scott because of a broken taillight. It escalated into a foot chase as Scott allegedly fled because there were family court-issued warrants for his arrest. Slager pursued Scott into a grassy lot and claimed that he fired his Taser to subdue him.
Moments later, Slager reported on his radio, “Shots fired and the subject is down. He took my Taser,” according to the Times. Earlier this week, an attorney for Slager said the cop felt threatened after Scott tried to overpower him and take his taser.
Today that attorney told The Post and Courier that he's "no longer involved" in the case. […]
H/T: HuffPost
Even the attorney for Slager wants nothing more to do with defending him.
As the video clearly shows – and was pointed out in DJ's post:
"Moments later, Officer Slager returns to the site of the struggle and picks up an object believed to be the stun gun he claims Mr. Scott had taken from him. Slager is then seen dropping the object at Mr. Scott's lifeless body."
But I guess Scott, a DEAD UNarmed Black man, "must have done something" to prompt Slager to pick up the taser and then PLANT it near his DEAD UNarmed body.
Like I said, I am WAAAY beyond enraged at this point.
If a cop yells freeze everybody knows it's common sense you do what you're told. He shouldn't have died but we don't know all that really happened since we weren't the ones there. I have a hard time believing this cop woke up thinking he wanted to kill a black man that day.
Random White guy did you watch the same tape everybody else did? Because if you did you could see this black man was no threat to nobody. He wasn't armed and he was running away. All the cop had to do was chase after him. He didn't have to shoot him EIGHT TIMES. Maybe the cop didn't wake up wanting to kill black men, but he damn sure went too far when he killed this one. That's why his ass is in jail right now. Excuse my language DJ but I'm angry too.
Somebody started a Go Fund page to raise money for this cop. Never seen a donation page for a known murderer before.
The man who filmed Officer Slager shooting Mr. Scott has come forward and is speaking publicly about the event.
[youtube UF8LiDgKh2Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8LiDgKh2Y youtube]
My recent post Frisco Fires Cops Over Racist Texts
The detailed account given by the young man who filmed the incident is quite telling.
And let me preface what I'm about to say by first saying this….
Running from a cop _and certainly struggling with a cop is rarely…IF ever…a wise move because Either action CAN get you killed, especially if you're a Black man in America.
Now let me also say this………
The cold-blooded execution of Mr. Scott goes way beyond a cop yelling "Freeze" and Scott disobeying that order. SEE Slager PLANTING the taser. And SEE other cases of Unarmed Black men killed by (mostly) White cops.
Bad cops ACROSS THIS COUNTRY feel comfortable in beating and killing Black (and Brown) males. They feel confident that they're account of what led up to the beating or killing will generally be accepted by:
1. people who go outta their way to give cops the benefit of the doubt. And more importantly,
2. people who, more often then not, end up serving on a jury in such cases
In rare instances of a cop being charged with murdering someone, the narrative is almost always the same – the victim (usually Black) allegedly attacked the cop (usually white) which left said cop "no choice" but to use deadly force. Jurors (mostly White) grasp at straws, giving bad cops the benefit of the doubt, even in the face of video that CLEARLY contradicts the cop's account!?! Bad cops are found Not Guilty by that jury. He walks free. Case. Closed.
In this case, someone like RWG looks at this video and SEES room for debate – Scott "must have done something to provoke the situation" thus causing his own death because "I have a hard time believing this cop woke up thinking he wanted to kill a black man that day."
I look at the same video and SEE what is CLEARLY right in front of me. The Truth.
And please note- it is ONLY because of this video that Slager has at least been charged with murder and fired from the police force.
But this ain't over. There's still a trial to come. And nothing short of a Conviction will suffice.
Just an FYI
NOT suprising. Last night I learned that, just like in the case of Ferguson's rotten police department, the police department of North Charleston is made up of mostly White cops (including its Chief of Police) policing a predominately Black city..
Even LESS surprising is the fact that just like in the case of Ferguson's rotten police department, there is a HISTORY of "problems" concerning how people of Color are generally treated by the (mostly) White police force in North Charleston.
This madness has got to STOP.
The sad Truth is, in America there is (and has always been) a certain percentage of (mostly White) Americans who really don't give a d*mn about Truth. Justice. Or Equality.
They hate "Others." And they will always support their own kind against "Others." No matter the circumstance or situation or even Crime.
It's the American way (SEE American history).
Btw Update: "GoFundMe Shuts Down Campaign For Officer Charged With Murder Of Walter Scott"
A fundraising page dedicated to South Carolina police officer Michael Slager was shut down by GoFundMe on Wednesday. […]