
South Carolina Loves Biden; Buttigieg Quits!

- Is the nomination now Biden's to lose?

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Make no bones about it: South Carolina loves Biden — Joe Biden, that is.

In a do-or-die “win or go home” victory on Saturday night, former Vice-President Joe Biden staged a stunning defeat of his Democratic challengers and copped his first win of the primary season.

South Carolina Loves Biden

Proving that South Carolina loves Biden, the predominately African-American electorate in the state handed ‘Uncle Joe’ a much-needed win with 48.4% of the vote.  His closest competitor was Bernie Sanders, who came in a distant 2nd place with 19.9% of the vote.  The biggest losers of the night were Pete Buttigieg (8.2%), Elizabeth Warren (7.1%), and Amy Klobuchar (3.1%).  Although billionaire Tom Steyer came in 3rd place, his poor showing after pouring millions of his own money into South Carolina forced him to drop out of the race.

In his victory remarks, Biden took a swipe at Bernie Sanders by saying Democrats wanted results rather than revolution, improvements to the Affordable Care Act rather than a disruptive transformation of the health care system, and a candidate who would “take on the NRA and gun manufacturers and not protect them.”

“If Democrats want a nominee who’s a Democrat, a lifelong Democrat, a proud Democrat, an Obama-Biden Democrat, join us,” he said, adding, “We have the option of winning big or losing big. That’s the choice.”

South Carolina Loves Biden
Biden with James Clyburn

Biden’s big win was the result of a number of factors. Both Iowa and New Hampshire are small and predominately white states, which (the Biden camp argued) did not fully represent the ethnic makeup of the Democratic Party. Biden also scored big by securing the all-important endorsement of South Carolina’s favorite son, Rep. James Clyburn. Finally, Biden’s service as former President Obama’s ‘right-hand man’ paid off in dividends among the state’s black voters.

“He was Obama’s vice president and he stuck by him,” said Columbia, SC resident Luther Johnson, who voted for Biden because of his connection to the former president.

Interestingly, South Carolina loves Biden so much that they handed him 33 delegates in his big win.  That means Biden is now only 8 delegates behind Bernie Sanders going into the delegate-rich Super Tuesday contest, when residents of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Democrats Abroad, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia will head to the polls.



After failing to come in 1st place in New Hampshire and Nevada and after a less than stellar performance in South Carolina, South Bend, Indiana’s former openly gay mayor Pete Buttigieg called it a campaign late Sunday and dropped out of the race for president.

South Carolina Loves Biden“A year ago, we launched our campaign for the American presidency,” Buttigieg said to a packed room of supporters in South Bend. “We began this unlikely journey with a staff of four in a cramped office right here in South Bend. Hardly anyone knew my name and even fewer could pronounce it,” he added to laughter from the crowd and chants of “2024!”

“I will no longer seek to be the 2020 Democratic nominee for president, but I will do everything in my power to ensure that we have a new Democratic president come January.”

By quitting the race ahead of the huge Super Tuesday contest, Buttigieg believes his absence might help another candidate (such as Joe Biden) stop the momentum of Sen. Bernie Sanders, who many Democrats fear could never beat Donald Trump in November.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
South Carolina loves Biden; Buttigieg quits.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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Yes indeed. What a difference a Real primary and key endorsement makes. Jim Clyburn, “the highest-ranking Black-American serving in Congress and influential political Tower in South Carolina literally put Biden on his shoulders and propelled him to Victory. Time will tell just how much it’ll actually help Biden tomorrow (Super Tues.) and going forward. But he crushed in every demographic. It was a blowout.

Btw- once again the polls proved to be as Useless as ever and Bernie’s so-called “revolution” has yet to materialize. He ISN’T expanding the electorate and he ISN’T attracting a sizable number of young Black voters. Also, it’s still not clear just how sizable his support is among Latino voters. California, Texas and Colorado should give us a better picture.

In the meantime, Bernie, his surrogates and the pundit-idiots really should just Shut Up about something (a “revolution”) that has NOT yet become a reality.


Kudos to Tom Steyer and Pete Buttigieg (especially Pete) for seeing the handwriting on the wall and calling it quits. Steyer spent a fortune of his own money and after 2 caucuses and 2 primaries (South Carolina being the most significant primary thus far) he didn’t earn even 1 delegate. Not one.

Pete, on the other hand, waged a good campaign. Not great…but considering he was a relatively unknown candidate who worked to achieve what he achieved shows that he has a bright future in the Democrat party.

And IF Pete gets out there, rolls up his sleeves and really puts in work to build a bridge of Trust between himself and the Black community….and himself and the Latino community, he will certainly be more prepared to run for president in the future if he chooses to.


….and then we have Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar.

Each may win her own home-state tomorrow (Amy-Minnesota, Elizabeth – Massachusetts). However, at this point I don’t think it’ll make any difference at all. They’re done.

Bloomberg is now on the ropes and, I suspect, fading fast. But tomorrow will tell the story.


‘Super Tuesday boost for Dems: South Carolina primary turnout shatters 2016 level, on par with 2008’

Democrats who were concerned that relatively low voter turnout in the Iowa caucuses meant Democratic voters were not keyed up for the 2020 general election can take heart in the South Carolina primary.

Voter participation in that state’s Democratic primary on Saturday was about equal to that in 2008, when then-Sen. Barack Obama’s soaring rhetoric and surprise win in Iowa had voters fired up and ready to go.

According to the South Carolina secretary of state’s office, with 98% of the vote in, 528,720 ballots were cast in the Democratic primary this year. In 2008, that number was 532,151. Those totals indicate much higher enthusiasm than 2016, when 370,904 people voted in the Democratic primary (73% of them for Hillary Clinton). […] – USA Today, Mar. 2, 2020


Well everything got turned upside down real quick. Biden finally won and might be back on top plus Buttigieg quit. That is huge. This has really come down to a race between Biden and Sanders now. Like Truth said Warren and Klobachar are done. They just do not know it yet. I heard on CNN last night that Biden and Buttigieg talked on the phone before he dropped out and Pete might be ready to endorse Biden. That could be what he needs to put him over the top.


Rep. Clyburn said over the weekend that he still backs Biden but Biden needs to retool his whole campaign. He needs better people running things for him and somebody keeping him on message. If Biden can get things running right from the top this race could be over faster than anybody thought.


Breaking News:

Sen. Amy Klobuchar will end her presidential bid on Monday and endorse Joe Biden, a campaign aide tells CNN.

The Klobuchar campaign confirmed that the senator is flying to Dallas to join the former vice president at his rally, where she will suspend her campaign and give her endorsement on the eve of Super Tuesday.


LOL hey Wil and Truth y’all are fast. I was just coming to post about this. Anyway this is becoming great news for Joe Biden. CNN just said Klobuchar knew she was dropping out soon but was going to stay until after Super Tuesday to take votes away from Sanders. Then today found out she was going to lose in her own state of Minnesota and decided to drop now and not get embarrassed.


Ouch! That’s gotta hurt. Losing in your own home-state.

New Hampshire was her high-water mark (a distant 3rd place) and even way back then we knew she was pretty much done. Just took her til now to realize it.


BREAKING: Klobuchar To End Campaign and Endorse Biden

H/T: MSNBC (i’m watching online)

Lol…Wil beat me to it.


Everybody looks like they are getting on the Joe Biden bandwagon. I wonder if Bloomberg is going to go next.


Yep. Bloomberg will bow out too but not before tomorrow (Super Tuesday).

The man has invested over half a BILLION dollar$$$ in his campaign. His ego allow him to throw in the towel just yet.

However, if he does really poorly tomorrow he may be out as soon as Wednesday morning or maybe evening tomorrow night.


BREAKING: Buttigieg to Endorse Biden Tonight, in Dallas. – CNN

Did Wil beat me to it again?….lol


Haha no but I was on my way


Obama spoke with Buttigieg after he dropped out of 2020 race: report

Former President Obama spoke with former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg after he dropped out of the 2020 race Sunday, The New York Times reported Monday.

Obama reportedly did not directly tell Buttigieg to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden. But he did tell the former South Bend, Ind., mayor that he now has leverage and should consider how to use it, a Democratic official familiar with the conversation told the Times.

A source confirmed to The Hill on Monday that Buttigieg plans to endorse Biden…[…]- The Hill, Mar. 2, 2020


I had thought about this too…..

The Root Reader:
Only tangentially related but with Steyer, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar pulling out I can’t help but wonder… Why the hell is Tulsi Gabbard still in the race??? […]

Honestly, I think it starts with her being this election’s Jill Stein. And I also agree with those who question if she’s angling for a prominent Cabinet position in Trump’s administration IF (Lord forbid) that dangerous creature is re-elected.

Whatever her real reason for still being in the race(?)….it ain’t good.

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