A Southwest Airlines pilot is in hot water after his profanity-laced gay-bashing rant was broadcast across the airwaves in mid flight.
The pilot, whose name was not disclosed, apparently didn’t realize his headset microphone was stuck on “broadcast” and seemed to think he was only in conversation with the cockpit crew. So for several minutes he unleashed unpleasantries toward the Chicago-based flight crew he worked with, which included calling them a “continuous stream of gays and grannies and grandes” and complaining he had to work with “eleven f**king over-the-top, f**king a**-f**king homosexuals.”
Southwest immediately put the pilot on administrative leave, but reinstated him after he completed diversity training.
“The actions of this pilot are, without question, inconsistent with the professional behavior and overall respect that we require from our employees,” said Southwest spokeswoman Brandy King. She said the pilot was reprimanded and suspended without pay, although she wouldn’t say for how long. She said he apologized to air-traffic controllers and to his bosses at the airline. Southwest said it also apologized to its flight attendants and pilots.
WOW DJ you've really covered the gay topics today. I'll have to stop by more often. I'm a flight attendant so I know this sort of thing happens more than anybody knows. Theres a lot of homophobia in the airline industry. Not just pilots but tarmac crew as well. Even still this makes me really angry. I hope they fire the asshole.