
Special Master Not Going Well For Donald Trump

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The Special Master appointed for Donald Trump has just taught him a very valuable lesson: “Be Careful What You Ask For Because You Just Might Get It!”

Politics :
After stealing hundreds of highly classified documents from The White House, storing them in the basement of his Florida Mar-a-Lago mansion, then having them confiscated during an FBI raid, Donald Trump did what he does best and looked for a way out of his own self-made mess. He hired a team of C-level attorneys and demanded that a Special Master be appointed in order to halt the US Justice Dept. investigation and muck up their case.  

Special Master
Judge Cannon

The Trump team secured US District Judge Aileen Cannon (an avowed ReTrumplican who was appointed to the bench by Trump himself and has been criticized for being completely unqualified), with Trump believing that his judge would cheat on his behalf and ultimately rule in his favor. In honor of Trump’s demand, Judge Cannon appointed longtime federal Judge Raymond Dearie (whom Trump initially believed to be deeply skeptical of the FBI) as the Special Master in charge of reviewing the nearly 11,000 documents found at Mar-a-Lago.

Both Trump and the Justice Department approved the selection of Judge Dearie as the Special Master — and that’s when things went downhill for Trump from there.

Special Master
Judge Dearie

Among his first order of business, Special Master Dearie ordered Trump’s lawyers to submit proof of their client’s repeated claim that he “declassified” the documents before taking them home. However, since everyone involved already knows Trump never declassified the stolen documents and can’t prove he did, the lawyers immediately balked at the order and cried foul.

Next, Judge Dearie ordered that the Trump team submit their claims related to the search of Mar-a-Lago to Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart. Once again, Trump and his lawyers cried foul — solely because Trump doesn’t like Judge Reinhart and had maliciously mocked him in the past.

Finally, Judge Dearie announced that he would complete his task no later than October 7th and would not need a 2 month review process as initially provided by Trump’s favorite, Judge Cannon. Naturally, Trump and his team cried foul.

“We respectfully suggest that all of the deadlines can be extended to allow for a more realistic and complete assessment of the areas of disagreement,” Trump’s attorneys begged while clearly hoping a longer process could somehow be slanted in Trump’s favor.

Now, the legal world is shaking their heads and almost laughing at the mockery Donald Trump is making of the courts and of his extremely weak case.

Special Master

“When push comes to shove, I find it hard to believe that [Trump] will maintain his short-term victory with a long-term win,” former federal prosecutor David Weinstein said.

“Trump’s team is resisting,” said Ryan Goodman, a professor at NYU School of Law. “Smells like they want to avoid lying to court.”

Trump’s lawyers likely “don’t want to lie and be disbarred and subject their client to a criminal false statement charge,” said former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann. “Trump team ruing the day it proposed Judge Dearie,” he added.

“The special master is calling Trump’s bluff and already they’re objecting” tweeted national security attorney Bradley Moss. “Part of the reason Judge Dearie is doing this is I’m sure he saw what order he was given from Judge Cannon. I’m sure he looked at the filing and said ‘enough is enough, I’m not dancing around this,'” Moss added. “It’s really simple. Either you’ve got the evidence or you don’t.”

“I’ve seen enough,” wrote former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti. “Trump’s team miscalculated by asking for Judge Dearie to serve as special master.”

Now that he has the Special Master he stomped his feet to get, Donald Trump is finding every reason in the book to object to the process. Additionally, his lawyers are discovering that they are backed into a corner. If they attempt to prove that Trump miraculously declassified the documents in his own mind, they could be disbarred for lying in court. If they admit that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that information could subject ‘The Donald’ to legal action for stealing highly classified information.

Special Master

Judge Dearie has acted honorably and only wants to know why Trump believes he has any plausible claim of privilege to classified documents — especially when they are highly classified nuclear secrets of a foreign nation — and how Trump possibly plans to prove it.

So, Donald Trump asked for a Special Master and he got one. He just didn’t get the one that he wanted who would cheat everything in his favor.

Oh, Donald, be careful what you ask for!

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump’s Special Master angers Trump.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I am happy to read this. Trump is getting everything he deserves and the whole thing is backfiring on him. He thought Cannon would take care of everything but looks like Judge Dearie is handling business.


“He thought Cannon would take care of everything but looks like Judge Dearie is handling business.”

Yes indeed BD!


I read today Leticia James the Attorney General in New York is suing Trump and all his children for bad business practices. The walls are closing on him every day.


“The walls are closing on him every day.”

It’s certainly beginning to look like it!


Hey BD, I just heard it reported on CNN that Leticia James’ 220 page lawsuit lays everything out “in new and startling detail.”

This is a Civil suit mind you. But if she’s got that much evidence against him, I would posit that criminal charges at the state and federal levels probably aren’t that far off!

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

CNN just reported that the lawsuit is actually about 250 pages long!


Hey Truth everybody is talking about it at the office today. Leticia James is no joke and she is not playing with Trump.


Hey Truth everybody is talking about it at the office today. Leticia James is no joke and she is not playing with Trump.


I’m really late getting to this but it’s been one of those very busy days!

Okay so….when I first heard that the DOJ agreed to have Judge Dearie as the Special Master, I thought to myself (regarding Trump) “Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.” 

But I wanted to wait and see how this all played out. 

So far, it appears Judge Dearie is NOT a judge to to be played with! He’s serious about his job and has shown that he really does NOT give a fig about Trump and his delusion that he’s above the law. 

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

Dearie is no joke either. He does not play political games but is one of those old school judges that just goes by the law.


BD, Trump has run up against a reality he’s never had to face before in his life.


That fool has 2 of America’s finest (James and Dearie) looking him straight in the face and saying “You ain’t nobody special.” “And you d*mn sure AIN’T above the law.”


And let the church say Amen


A few “Independent” Voices today….

Youtube Commenter:
As a once registered independent voter, the GOP has lost any vote from me for a decade. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept, and I can’t get on board with the radical GOP party. […]

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As an independent voter, MAGA has pushed me towards enthusiastically voting for Democrats. The share insanity and criminality shows we cannot allow anyone who supports Trump anywhere near any position of power. […]

Youtube Commenter:
Regardless of poll numbers, the failed Trump experiment of putting an insane President in the White House has convinced this independent never, ever to vote for a Republican for ANY office again. This is a pledge I made to myself that I fully expect to honor in perpetuity. […]

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

The Point – CNN’s Chris Cillizza

Analysis: Donald Trump’s poll numbers are making things very awkward for Republicans

Youtube Commenter:
Regardless of the {low} poll numbers, lets not forget that the rank and file republicans have continued to pledge allegiance to the orange clown and for that reason, we the people need to vote them out of our government on the local, state and federal levels!! Remember a republican = a liar and a fear monger!! If they win then we best be aware of what we will get and that will be more loss of rights!! […]

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Scrubbing” information from websites. Hence, the one SINGLE BEST REASON for print media and information to continue to exist. We may not understand now, but most certainly will sometime soon. […]

Last edited 2 years ago by Truthiz1

One of the biggest mistakes Repubs made was accepting Trump and not expecting him to take over their party. They should have took him down when they had the chance.


Naaah BD. The Repubs are getting just what they deserve.

Remember, Trump didn’t make the GOP an ignorant, corrupt, racist, fascist, hatemongering party. He simply pulled the covers off that party and told the base to “Stop hiding, show yourself!”


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