Current Events

Appearing on Fox News Sunday morning to mostly discuss health care reform currently in Congress, Specter said “On the Republican side, it is no, no, no. A party of obstructionism. You have responsible Republicans who had been in the Senate like Howard Baker, Bob Dole, and Bill Frist who say Republicans ought to cooperate. Well, they’re not cooperating.”
Hey DJI love the new site. But thanks for not abandoning politics.
Roll Call:Senate Republicans, acknowledging they lack the votes to block a health care reform bill outright, have implemented a comprehensive political strategy to delay, define and derail.With Democratic leaders and White House officials holed up in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's (D-Nev.) office negotiating a final bill, Republicans are demanding a deceleration of the process and moving to define whatever plan that emerges as a combination of Medicare cuts, tax increases, higher insurance premiums and rising overall costs.Full story: <a href="http://www.rollcall.com/issues/55_42/news/39605-1.htmlhttp://www.rollcall.com/issues/55_42/news/39605-1… />Hat-Tip: HuffPostIMO, there's something inherently EVIL about people who, for the sake of political allegiance and Corporate backing, are more willing to see Americans suffer AND DIE from lack of affordable healthcare than to cooperate with crafting a meaningful solution to this critical and ever-growing problem that is both fair and equitable. To paraphrase Keith Olbermann: The health insurance Cartel are at WAR with the American people” and Republican (and some Dem) prostitutes_ Ooops, I mean politicians_ are little more than soldier serving that same industry. It's pure TREASON as far as I'm concerned!