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Spring Forward Tomorrow

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Although parts of the country are still experiencing frigid temperatures and waves of snow, it’s time to partake in that yearly tradition — SPRING FORWARD.

At 2am THIS Saturday night/Sunday morning, be sure to turn your clocks FORWARD 1 hour.  If you don’t, you could show up to work late on Monday morning.

The annual tradition will make us lose an hour of sleep on Sunday, but it will give us 1 extra hour of daylight.  Then summer can’t be too far behind…


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for the reminder DJ.

    And let me just say that Spring really can't get here soon enough for me!

    We didn't get much snow here, in South Central PA, this winter (I'm truly grateful) but we have had to deal with cold temps. Thankfully warmer temps are in the forecast starting tomorrow.

    But my ideal place is Savannah, GA (my home away from home). I love the weather, the city (especially Forsyth Park…just beautiful) and the people.

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