For years, the U.S. military has been using spy drones to safely check up on the activities of our foreign enemies in far away countries. But did you know these drones were also being secretly used in the United States too?
In what is being called a blatant and severe violation of civil liberties, military drones have been discovered being used by various local police departments in search of domestic criminals. And Americans are crying foul.
Having a small drone with a high powered lens fly over the homes of law abiding private citizens and peek into their back yards may have netted police some of the most elusive and wanted criminals around, but the ACLU believes this privacy invasion by big brother has gone too far.
Unlike a helicopter, which alerts everyone of its presence from rotor noise, drones are virtually silent and therefore virtually undetectable. And although its near invisibility is what makes it most effective, many Americans say they don’t want such stealth technology hovering over their communities and watching their every move.