Undocumented Children Taken By Trump Are In Jeopardy
Where are all the undocumented children separated from their parents and taken to distant locations by the Trump administration? Sadly, not all of their whereabouts are completely known.
Current Events
When families from predominately Latin-American countries decided to flee poverty and/or danger and seek asylum in the United States, the young undocumented children in tow had no choice but to tag along. However, it is these children who are receiving the brunt of the punishment for their parents’ decision.
Most of the undocumented children were carted off to faraway cities and placed in cages until King Trump decided what to do with them next. Now comes a report that a huge portion of the children were handed off to one of the largest adoption agencies in the country — an agency well known for facilitating international adoptions.
After suffering a huge public relations blow, Donald Trump reluctantly promised to reunite the “stolen” children with their families. However, that task now appears to be easier said than done.
For weeks, undocumented children (including infants) were shipped off to a variety of care facilities across the country. Their arrivals frequently occurred in the dead of night and the children were rarely told where they were going. Many children arrived without paperwork detailing their names, their original home info, or even the locations of where their parents were being detained.
“Thus far, we’ve seen no evidence that any system has been put in place by the government to ensure these families are communicating or connecting,” said Wendy Young, president of Kids in Need of Defense. “Some of us have been trying to reconnect the children, but it’s incredibly hard. It feels like our legal aid staff have become private investigators, working from what you have — a name, a birthday, an ‘A’ number” — an alien registration number.
With no names, no background information, and no known location of their separated parents, the US will not house and feed these children indefinitely. If their parents can’t be found (and this appears to be how the process has been set up), these children will almost certainly be offered up for adoption and shipped off to a variety of foreign countries — never to see their parents or families again!
Thanks DJ for staying with this story.
Far too many Americas (perhaps even most) and certainly the American new media, have a very short attention span. Coverage of an ongoing humanitarian crisis like THIS, and others sanctioned by the U.S. government no less, are soon shoved aside to make room for the next “shiny” new story.
After-all the American news media industry is first and foremost in the business of keeping the masses “Entertained,” to kep those ratings up and advertisers’ dollar$ flowing in. Very little of so-called “Breaking News” is actually news-worthy anymore. Most of the time it’s just dumb-azz tweet posted by that patently dishonest and intellectually-deficient fella in the White House. But I digress.
Trump and his cronies don’t give a fig about the lives of young white children (see mass gun shootings) so you know they couldn’t care less about the damage being done to the lives of black and brown children -especially those who are brought to this country illegally w/their parents. In fact, I’d posit that Trump and Sessions are counting on that damage being permanent. It’s the American way SEE: American history.
American presidents (the U.S. government) have historically sanctioned all manner of reprehensible acts be carried out against people of Color (Afri-Amer/Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native-born Indians, Filipinos, even Hawaiians). Separating children from their parents and families is a key step in dehumanizing a population of people in order to rob them of their cultural heritage/identity, their dignity, their self-worth, and their will. Easier to control the “savages” or the “animals”….and feel “superior” over them.
It breaks my heart to say this but I believe that many, if not most, of these kids will NEVER be reunited with their parents. And honestly, I’ve rarely felt this helpless.
In case anybody forgot this is not nothing new. America has been separating kids and families for hundreds of years. Look back into history during slavery and black families got ripped apart all the time. The fact Trump separated these kids then took them to far places with no records of who their parents are tells the whole story. He does not give a damn about them or about what any of us thinks of what he is doing. This is sad and history will look back on this as one of the worst times in America.