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OK WASSUP! with the singing of the national anthem before every single Republican debate?

Before each debate, GOP’ers have been turning to the flag, placing their hand over their heart, then having some individual or group sing the Star Spangled Banner. But why? Does this overt display of “patriotism on their sleeve” somehow make them better Americans??  I’m sure they’d like to think so.

This display of Americanism would be OK if it were genuine.  But it is so obviously being done for show and to prove a point that it is no longer authentic.  Sadly, it’s being orchestrated by the same group who made a stink about why Barack Obama didn’t wear a flag pendant on his lapel once or twice during the 2008 election — as if without display of the pendant, he was not a patriot.  Silly!

Come on, folks.  It’s a political debate, not some high moment in political history.  No president begins his State of the Union address with the national anthem.  Congress doesn’t hire the National Cathedral Choir to deliver the Star Spangled Banner before it votes to extend the debt ceiling.  The Supreme Court doesn’t gather in a circle, hold hands, then listen to a haunting rendition of the anthem from Clarence Thomas before they can hear a case.  So what’s up Republicans???

Stop the political theatrics on patriotism. We get it. You love America. But to keep showing us week in and week out doesn’t make you better Americans!

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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HAH. After ALL the damage they've caused this nation thus far, WHO pray tell do they think is still buying their *THEATRICS* of PHONEY patriotism? Good grief. They are truly pitiful. 


HAHAHAHA very funny DJ.  I was wondering the same thing.

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