State of the Union: Obama’s Last Word

Politics –
State of the Union: Obama’s Last Word
“The State of the Union is strong.” So said President Barack Obama in his 7th and final State of the Union address to Congress Tuesday night, during a speech that was filled with substance, nostalgia and even a bit of proving a point.
The president began his remarks by promising to avoid the usual laundry list of policy proposals. He also promised to keep his remarks short. He kept both promises.
Among his remarks of substance was a call for an end to gerrymandering — a practice where politicians game their political districts so as to ensure one party’s advantage over the other. He also called for a reduction in secret campaign contributions, making voting easier, as well as convincing more Americans to get involved in politics.
However, after campaigning for president on promises of hope and change, and vowing to transform the gridlock of Washington, Mr. Obama acknowledged he had fallen short of that goal.
“It’s one of the few regrets of my presidency, that the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better,” Mr. Obama said, adding that “a president with the gifts of Lincoln or Roosevelt might have better bridged the divide.”
In response to the divisive tone and rhetoric that has engulfed America as of late, Mr. Obama did not mince words.
“As frustration grows, there will be voices urging us to fall back into tribes, to scapegoat fellow citizens who don’t look like us, or pray like us, or vote like we do, or share the same background,” the president said. “We can’t afford to go down that path.”
He then very specifically singled out leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, making it clear that Americans must resist calls to stigmatize Muslims.
“Will we respond to the changes of our time with fear, turning inward as a nation, and turning against each other as a people?” the president asked. “Or will we face the future with confidence in who we are, what we stand for, and the incredible things we can do together?”
He also made reference to Sen. Ted Cruz, another Republican presidential contender who has criticized Mr. Obama’s foreign policy for not “carpet bombing” the Islamic State.
“The world will look to us to help solve these problems,” Mr. Obama said regarding global challenges, “and our answer needs to be more than tough talk or calls to carpet bomb civilians.”
He added: “We need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion. This isn’t a matter of political correctness. It’s a matter of understanding what makes us strong. The world respects us not just for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity and our openness and the way we respect every faith.”
In a very strong effort to make a very strong point, President Obama invited 23 people to watch his final State of the Union address. The guest list purposely included Muslims and Syrian refugees, two groups Republicans have gone to great lengths to shun. The idea was propelled by congressional members Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who encouraged their colleagues to “stand against hate” by inviting Muslim-Americans to the speech.
Additional guests included a DREAMer (an undocumented immigrant brought to the U.S. as a child), a gay rights activist, as well as several veterans and active-duty service members, including the Air Force staff sergeant who helped tackle a gunman on a train bound for Paris last summer. A 24th chair was left empty to symbolize the victims of gun violence in America.
Also, two members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations were in attendance, upsetting at least one Republican presidential candidate.
“Let’s not be giving them access to the ability to further carry on what they call a civilization jihad, and to change us from a Judeo-Christian foundation to a Muslim foundation,” Ben Carson said. We have got to be smarter than that.”
Perhaps the most surprising and controversial guest in attendance was Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who went to jail rather than grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
Originally, the identity of the person who invited Davis was a secret. However, it was later revealed that Republican congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio was Davis’ mystery date.
“Kim Davis used our ticket. Our staff heard from the Family Research Council that Ms. Davis and her family hoped to attend the State of the Union address and so we offered a ticket,” Jordan said.
Some are calling it his "best speech" since his victory speech, in Chicago's Grant Park after winning the Presidency in 2008.
I thought it was both, soaring and sobering. He spoke Truth to the American people and gave it his all.
November will tell Us…and the entire world….what kind of nation *We The People* truly want going forward(?)
Re: Obama's Presidency
I voted for Obama…Twice. But I was often frustrated by his inability to accept the fact, early in the first term of his presidency, that no matter how sincere his message and outreach to the people who Hate him…they were NEVER going to accept him first-and-foremost because of the COLOR of his skin.
Equally frustrating for me, is his tendency, at times, to be a little too cool for his own good, particularly when a more vigorous effort is clearly needed in addressing the socio-economic and cultural angst of millions of Americans who feel betrayed and left behind.
HOWEVER. I would vote for him again Today, were it possible. Why? Because on the whole, given the Unprecedented level of disrespect, and oppositional vitriol this President has faced over the entirety if his presidency, a lesser man (Black or White) would NOT have been able to maintain his composure let alone succeed in achieving even half of what THIS President has achieved.
THIS President is forced to work under the most hostile of work environments. Yet, he has surrendered neither his dignity nor his integrity. Neither his heart nor his humility.
As I see it, the biggest difference between a BLACK man in America (a descendant of slaves) and Pres. Obama, a biracial/African-American, is that a Black man would NOT have wasted so much precious time trying to win over people who Hate him merely for existing. A BLACK President would have cut bait sooner and taken his message straight to the American people who simply want to know Our President is willing to fight for Us. And WE (millions of Americans who voted him into office) would have backed his play.
I'm sure the President gets it….Now.
Still. In years to come I believe he will be viewed in history as among our greatest Presidents.
I wish him Godspeed as his presidential journey begins to come to an end…..
….and a new journey awaits him.
Here here Truth. I was telling friends last night how much I love Obama. This guy is the real deal and he proved it with that speech. I'm real sad to see this is his last victory lap. But it was funny watching Paul Ryan's face everytime Obama said something good. He knew he wanted to clap but he already made up in his mind he wasn't going to clap for anything. He smiled a lot though which said a lot.
As the President shared last night BD….
There are good Republicans in the Senate and Congress who want to work with the President, across party lines to get substantive things done for the Good of this nation and the American people but those Repubs can't do it for fear of angering their base supporters.
As per the President, those Repubs feel "Trapped." They spend most of their time in Washington "trying to convince people that they're NOT crazy." While back home they spend most of their time convincing their constituency "that they ARE crazy."
The Republican leadership created their very own Frankenstein, over a period of at least 35 yrs, to the detriment of their party AND this Great nation. That hate-filled and grotesque monster has them trapped and is eating that party alive.
It will be up to the majority of American voters…NOT the politicians…to Save this country in November if WE are to have a country worth Saving as WE move forward.
Here is where I align myself squarely with the Optimism of the President. .
I have to believe that WE WILL prevail.
On a related note…….
"Right-wing backlash to Nikki Haley’s GOP State of the Union response grows to reveal ugly racial undertones"
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley finds herself in the unenviable position of having the just delivered the dreaded (and perhaps cursed?) Republican response to President Obama’s seventh, and final State of the Union address. While by nearly all measures she outperformed her predecessors, Haley has come under withering criticism from the most conservative voices in her party the morning after — voices like commentator Ann Coulter’s who demanded the rising GOP star and daughter of Indian immigrants be deported.
Coulter, who dismissed Haley’s move to remove the confederate flag from the capitol state grounds last summer, arguing that “she’s an immigrant and does not understand America’s history,” continued her attacks on the Republican governor and her heritage after Haley aimed significant portions of her response speech at criticizing growing anti-immigrant sentiments within the GOP base.
When Haley recited lines like, “during anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation,” she was implicitly taking a swipe at GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, as she confirmed to NBC News this morning: “Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what I believe is irresponsible talk.”
Trump enthusiasts and right-wing conservatives, of course, were none too pleased with Haley’s pile-on after President Obama devoted significant portions of his final address to push-back against Trump’s brand of xenophobia:
Trump should deport Nikki Haley. — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) Jan. 13, 2016 […]
Okay so…um..mayhaps someone should inform Ann Coulter that Nikki Haley's PARENTS immigrated to this country from India BEFORE Nikki Haley was born.
Niki Haley is NOT an immigrant. She's a "natural born citizen" born and raised in the state she now governs.
South Carolina.
I didn't even watch that BS speech. My problem with Obama is he's his biggest fan. He thinks his shit doesn't smell. He spent the whole speech talking about how great he is and how unfair Republicans are. What a crock of shit. All his liberal socialist government handouts set this country back a hundred years.