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President Barack Obama will deliver his 2nd State of the Union Address tonight on all major networks.  In light of last weeks GOP Senate win in Massachusetts, Mr. Obama is expected to hit a virtual reset button on his presidency, responding to voter displeasure with the direction he’s taken during his first year in office.
OK WASSUP! will provide full coverage and discussion tomorrow on what the President said and intends to do going forward. 
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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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I know the President has to do this "Address." But personally speaking, I'm NOT in the mood for hearing any more talk.People want REAL solutions_ "Action speaks LOUDER than words."15 MILLION Americans are currently UNemployed. Millions more are UNderemployed, many having to work at least 2 jobs to make ends meet. Millions more are worried about keeping their jobs. And let's not even discuss the fate of "Healthcare Reform"_smh.The President AND the Democratic hierarchy had better Step. It. Up. or no matter how much I like Obama and want to be Optimistic about his Presidency, he'll be "ONE-and-done". The Repubs could regain the White House, and/or more seats in the Senate and Congress AND that would be an UNimaginable nightmare for the future of this country!

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