
State Run News Agency Desired By ‘The Donald’

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If you’ve ever wondered why Donald Trump is so madly in love with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, look no further than his calls for a state-run news agency.

North Korea is by far the world champion at propaganda via its very own state-run news agency.  Instead of telling its citizens and the world the truth about what’s going on inside the communist country, Kim Jong Un simply makes up what he wants as the truth then orders his state-run news agency to release it as if it were real news.

It’s authoritarian rule at its finest and Donald Trump wants a piece of that pie.

State Run News Agency

Angry that CNN and other news stations regularly report the truth instead of his version of the truth, Donald Trump is openly letting it be known that he’s had it with America’s idea of a free press and he wants his own.

“While CNN doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings, outside of the US they have very little competition,” Trump said via Twitter. “Throughout the world, CNN has a powerful voice portraying the United States in an unfair and false way.”

He then added, “Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!”

His words are an escalation of a long-standing feud with CNN, MSNBC, and others he regularly refers to as “Fake News” and the “enemy of the people.”  However, these agencies are merely reporting the news as is and are not Trump employees charged with making him look good.  Still, ‘The Donald’ has somehow convinced himself that they should be.

For example, Trump tweeted that he would be traveling last Friday to visit a portion of a “new wall” that was being built along the southern border in Calexico, California last Friday.  However, no new fencing has been built, so there was nothing new for him to visit.


Trump was disturbed when CNN reported the wall he tweeted about was non-existent.

Additionally, during his visit to the California/Mexico border late last week, Trump referred to the Flores Settlement as something that was decided on by “Judge Flores.”

“We’ve had some very bad court decisions. The Flores decision is a disaster, I have to tell you. Judge Flores, whoever you may be, that decision is a disaster for our country.  A disaster.  And we’re working on that,” Trump said during a discussion with border officials.

However, the Flores Settlement was named after the plaintiff in the case, Jenny Lisette Flores, who fled El Salvador as a teenager.  The ruling was NOT about a judge.

CNN and MSNBC reported the story as is, which correctly made Trump appear totally uninformed and perhaps even dumb (which he does not like).  However, Fox News completely ignored the story and never reported it at all (which is something he does like).  Or, in other words, any news that makes him look bad is “fake news,” but any news that makes him look good — however true or false — is fine and dandy.

State Run News Agency

So, it’s no wonder why Donald Trump wants to borrow a page from the Kim Jong Un authoritarian book and create his own state-run news agency.

“Now, Congress has to act. They have to get rid of catch and release, chain migration, visa lottery. They have to get rid of the whole asylum system because it doesn’t work. And, frankly, we should get rid of judges.” – Donald Trump


Interestingly, the United States already has the government-funded news outlet Voice of America, but it’s not as prominent or well-known as a privately run outlet such as CNN — and it’s also not a propaganda machine charged with doing Trump’s bidding.

Some feel Fox News is already a de facto state-run news agency in the manner Trump desires since they frequently portray him as omnipotent, are quick to pounce on those he considers his enemies, and even employs a host in Sean Hannity who speaks to Trump by phone daily and frequently advises him on domestic and foreign policy.

Still, that’s just not enough for King Trump.

With his chest puffed out following (what he calls) a victory and total vindication by the Mueller investigation, Donald Trump no longer wants to be a president.  He wants to be a dictator.  He proved that by announcing that he wants to reinvent the asylum process and “get rid of judges.”

He also wants a news agency that will report what HE tells them to and ignores what HE decides for them to overlook.  Yes, this reality television charlatan we let into the Oval Office wants the US media to be strictly controlled and monitored by the government — AKA him — and to work tirelessly to make him look like the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Now, do you see why King Donald Trump loves Kim Jong Un?

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Trump calls for a state-run news agency.

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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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“Yes, this reality television charlatan we let into the Oval Office wants…..” – DJ Yep..WE let this gross and dangerous creature into the White House and now, predictably, WE’re paying one H*ll of a price for it. But before I respond to his latest act of madness I want to first say this………. DJ, thank you. You have now become my main “go to” guy for important news. You, my local tv news, BBC News, and BBC World News. Since Barr released his summary of Mueller’s report, I can honestly say that I’ve NOT watched more than 5 or 6 minutes of CNN and MSNBC in total. And I did that immediately following the release of the summary report. Suffice it to say, for the foreseeable future I’m pretty much done with the American news media. IMO, most of the news industry has operated in the most reckless, craven and… Read more »


This is not surprising. Trump just fired his homeland security director because she wouldn’t break the law for him. He really does think he is a king.

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