Comments on: THE STEAMY SANFORD AFFAIR News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 27 May 2015 08:00:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:04:04 +0000 Honestly, if it weren’t for the children (all under the age of 18) I’d probably be laughing my head off at this_another “STUCK ON STUPID” incident coming from the GOP. For the past 30 years, sexually repressed, Republican MEN _mostly “christianist”_ HYPOCRITS have been prancing around PRETENDING to be “morally superior” to everybody else. Yes, Bill Clinton was both incredibly arrogant and STUPID for risking his marriage AND Presidency behind an affair with Monica Lewinsky. But to his credit_and that of the Democratic Party_they never claimed to be “morally superior” to anyone.The Dems never pontificated about how others “should” live their lives.Republicans, driven by their hunger for Power, NO SHAME, and an irrationally intense HATRED of of “librul” Democrats (the Clintons in particular) chose to put the Clintons (and this country) through H*ll during Bill’s Presidency by turning what should have been a “private” matter (best left between him and his wife) into a prolonged and very public spectacle.POSERS like Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, “Newt” et al, were among Bill Clinton’s “harshest” critics!?! Oh and regarding the notion that Sanford actually went to Argentina (on the tax-payers dime) THIS TIME to “break off” the affair: Um, let’s see….The man has been exchanging “emails" with the lady (also married with kids) for EIGHT years. He admits to “sparking” her for at least a YEAR. His wife found out about it 5 months ago and after trying to save her marriage she felt compelled to ask him to LEAVE their home 2 weeks ago. THEN he abandoned his job as CEO of South Carolina, lied to everybody and went flying off to Argentina for 4-5 days _to “break it off”_ ???! LOL!_Okay just STOP IT! I seriously can’t take anymore_lol.
