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The world dubbed him a hero for representing the “Average Joe” in the workplace and for refusing to accept customer abuse. But with holes suddenly being poked into his story and several eyewitnesses coming forward, not everyone is in love with Steven Slater.

The former JetBlue flight attendant was put on a pedestal last week after publicly cursing out an allegedly abusive passenger, quitting his job, grabbing 2 beers, and exiting down the jet’s inflatable escape slide.  Once his story broke it went viral and people from Maine to Montana were cheering him on for having the guts to pull off such a stunt.  Even Facebook created a fan page for him.  But hold on — not so fast!  It appears Steven Slater may not be the hero he was once thought to be.

Lauren Wood was a passenger on the flight and recalled her thoughts from the day. “He was very rude to everyone throughout the entire flight,” Wood said. “I feel like, yeah, we all have our moments where we’re pushed to the limit, but there’s a line that he crossed. I don’t think this man should be called a hero at all.” Television producer Howard Deneroff also witnessed Slater’s demeanor during the flight, calling it different from that of the other flight attendants from the start of the flight, and even gruff during an encounter with another passenger. Deneroff also described a run-in he had with Slater over his seat being in the upright position as the plane landed. Slater originally thought the seat was reclined.  But realizing he was incorrect, Deneroff says Slater slapped the back of the seat, then walking off “in a huff.”

There is no real explanation as to why Steven Slater acted out the way that he did, jeopardizing his job and the safety of the passengers. “He’s a seemingly ordinary person who acted out this collective longing, a longing that wasn’t necessarily noticeable – that many people didn’t know they had, until they saw it,” said Todd Gitlin, a professor of journalism and sociology at Columbia University. “It’s kind of perfect, for these days when everyone hates being on an airplane, and wants nothing more than to break out, and with pizazz, if possible.”

But not everyone was so tactful with their thoughts.  “What he did was despicable,” said famous employer and billionaire real estate tycoon Donald Trump.  “I think as an employee he’s horrible and as an employer I would really go after him big.” Trump believes Slater is someone who “could have caused a major catastrophe and who is obviously not very stable.” He added “I think he’s a wacko… I don’t think he’s a hero, and I don’t think he’s going to be a folk hero for very long. I think we should stop celebrating him pretty quickly.”


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. I knew his story would unravel soon enough. Anybody who thinks pulling a stunt on the job like he did doesn't know business. And now he wants his job back? He quit so he should stay quit. But the dummy won't get unemployment or severance pay now. What a jackass.

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