
Stone Cold Trump And ‘Just Jared’ Strike Again!

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We all knew Donald Trump was cold-blooded and devoid of compassion and conventional feelings of empathy. However, how many of us knew that Donald Trump was actually ‘Stone Cold Trump?’

‘The Donald’ never actually intended to, you know, “work” at being president or at being re-elected president. Apparently, enough flunkies in his circle-jerk cadre of advisers convinced him he’d sail to a 2nd term victory without any real effort.

Too bad they were wrong.

Stone Cold Trump

“It wasn’t even going to be like we had an election,” Trump whined during a rain-drenched rally in Lansing, Michigan on Tuesday, angry that the coronavirus has him begging for his political life and forced to return to the cold, hard grind of the campaign trail.

“I probably wouldn’t be standing out here in the freezing rain with you,” he told the crowd who waited for hours under a tenacious drizzle to hear him speak. “I’d be home in the White House, doing whatever the hell I was doing. I wouldn’t be out here.”

Yes, ‘Victim Trump’ traveled from campaign stop to campaign stop singing the same sad song. And then, ‘Stone Cold Trump’ showed up in Omaha.

Thinking only of himself and his 2nd term political aspirations that he hopes will keep him from going to jail, ‘Stone Cold Trump’ corraled hundreds of his MAGA supporters onto Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Nebraska late Tuesday night under freezing weather conditions. The supporters were forced to leave their cars outside the grounds of the airport and were bused onto the tarmac under the promise that buses would return them to their vehicles immediately following the Trump appearance.

Needless to say, it didn’t end well.

Stone Cold Trump
Stranded Trump rally-goers in Omaha

The rally ended around 9pm, but as temperatures dropped into the mid-20s, crowds of attendees were still waiting hours later for buses to take them back to their cars.

According to Dillon Bloedorn, a farmer who drove 80 miles to attend the rally, he, several elderly attendees, and dozens of children were forced to wait for hours in the cold for buses that didn’t arrive and begin loading until around 11:30pm.

“A wall of people was pushing up there,” Bloedorn said. “Maybe it wasn’t real organized.”

Yes, ‘Stone Cold Trump’ got his flock of followers to the rally in time for the television cameras to capture their enthusiasm — but left them stranded out on a cold and drenched airplane tarmac. In fact, good old ‘Stone Cold’ was back to his warm bed inside The White House before buses even began transporting people back to their cars.

This was only a portion of the bad news that’s eating Donald Trump alive during the final days of his push for the presidency.

On Wednesday, disparaging remarks made by first son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner about COVID doctors and scientists, the Republican Party, and others were made public.

Stone Cold Trump In a taped interview from April 18th, Kushner told legendary journalist Bob Woodward that Donald Trump was “getting the country back from the doctors” and that the country was at the “beginning of the comeback phase.”

“That doesn’t mean there’s not still a lot of pain and there won’t be pain for a while, but… “Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors,” Kushner said.

‘Just Jared’ then threw America’s governors under the bus.

“The President also is very smart politically with the way he did that fight with the governors to basically say, no, no, no, no, I own the opening. Because again, the opening is going to be very popular. People want this country open. But if it opens in the wrong way, the question will be, did the governors follow the guidelines we set out or not?”

He added: “One of the things that the President’s great at is he’s a cheerleader. He’s trying to make people feel good about the outcome.”

Next, Kushner took aim at several disloyal Trump advisers, telling Woodward, “The most dangerous people around the President are over-confident idiots” and that Trump had replaced them with “more thoughtful people who kind of know their place.”

Kushner also expressed blatant contempt for the Republican Party and praised his father-in-law’s radical takeover of the GOP.

“I say he basically did a full hostile takeover of the Republican Party. And I don’t think it’s even as much about the issues. I think it’s about the attitude.

“And so, you know, you look at, like, the Republican Party platform, it’s a document meant to, like, piss people off basically. Because it’s done by activists.”

This is the same man who said only a day earlier: “One thing we’ve seen a lot in the Black community, which is mostly Democrat, is that President Trump’s policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they’re complaining about.  But he can’t want them to be successful more than they want to be successful.”

Yes, with only days to go before the end of the 2020 presidential election, ‘Stone Cold Trump’ and ‘Just Jared’ have once again shown their ignorance and true colors to the American people.

If anyone still doesn’t get it and still supports this mess of an administration, perhaps they’re just as cold-blooded and “un-smart” as Trump and the pathetic Jared.

OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
‘Stone Cold Trump’ and ‘Just Jared’ strike again!


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. We all knew Donald Trump was cold-blooded and devoid of compassion and conventional feelings of empathy. However, how many of us knew that Donald Trump was actually ‘Stone Cold Trump?’ […]

    Okay DJ. That’s a rhetorical question right?…Lol Because I know that you know the answer to that one!

    Seriously though – You have hit it out the park this morning! I was hoping you’d jump on one of these stories this morning. So you know I’m absolutely pleased that you jumped on both!

    How many times has it been said right here – There is NO bottom to these people. None. 

  2. You are right they are dumb and dumber. Thankful we will not have to put up with that whole clown family much longer.

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