Stop ‘Lion’…That’s A Dog!
A Chinese zoo recently premiered their display of a rare African Lion…or did they?
A visitor to the zoo told Chinese news that while she was viewing the rare African “King of the Jungle,” she was startled to hear the lion bark. Yes, you read correctly, BARK!
Upon further inspection, the visitor discovered that the beast behind the cage was not a lion at all. In fact, it was a Tibetan mastiff — a large, hairy breed of dog.
“The zoo is absolutely trying to cheat us,” the visitor said. “They are trying to disguise dogs as lions.”
If the dog posing as a lion wasn’t enough, the zoo had also substituted other animals in the park. There was another dog in the wolf cage and a white fox on display in the leopard enclosure.
After getting caught red handed, a zoo spokesperson sheepishly admitted that the animals had been substituted for mating and various other reasons, and would be back in their rightful place soon.