Strange And Uncertain Times, Says Barack Obama
What does Barack Obama think of the mess Donald Trump finds himself in? In a rare public speech in Johannesburg to celebrate the 100th birthday of Nelson Mandela, Mr. Obama took the high road and only called the Trump era ‘Strange and uncertain times.’
Current Events
Fresh off of a new Pew Survey where 44% of Americans believe Barack Obama is the greatest American president of our lifetime, the former leader of the free world offered words of encouragement.
“I believe in a vision of equality and justice and freedom and multiracial democracy built on the premise that all people are created equal,” Mr. Obama said. “They are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. I believe that a world governed by such principle is possible and it can achieve more peace and more cooperation in pursuit of a common good. That’s what I believe. I believe we have no choice but to move forward. Madiba (Mandela) shows that those of use who believe in freedom in democracy, we’re going to have to fight harder to reduce inequality and promote lasting economic opportunity for all people.”
“Given the strange and uncertain times that we are in – and they are strange – and they are uncertain – with each day’s news cycles bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines, I thought maybe it would be useful to step back for a moment and try to get some perspective,” he added.
Although Donald Trump has actively spent his time in The White House badmouthing the former president while attempting to completely erase the 8-year Obama presidency, it’s nice to see Mr. Obama following his usual mantra: “When they go low, we go high!”
My admiration for Pres. Obama notwithstanding – my biggest disappointment with his presidency was his unwillingness to actually fight for anything.
He saved the auto-industry. And he saved the economy but THAT was mostly related to saving Wall Street so he got very little push-back from elected officials on Capitol Hill, in either party.
But when WE (millions of Americans who voted for him) needed him to step up and fight for the ideas/proposals he ran on….well….he just didn’t have it in him. Not a bit of fire. Instead for 8 yrs he clung to a pipe-dream that Repubs would eventually be reasonable and work with him for the good of Our country and the American people. When, except for John Boehner, Repubs never showed the slightest interest in doing so.
In fact, Repubs went out of their way to insult Pres. Obama at every opportunity. McConnell even publicly stated that the main goal of Repubs was to make Obama a “one term president.” They hated Obama that much (many of them still do) and never had any intentions of ever working with him.
He simply refused to SEE what was clearly right in front of his face…smh.
So now fast-forward to today….nearly 2 yrs after Obama’s presidency ends……
With his legacy all but in complete tatters Pres. Obama steps out and gives a rare public speech. And he calls the Trump era ‘Strange and uncertain times.”
Yeah….well THAT’s an understatement. And we’re darn sure going to need more than lofty speeches to get Us out of THIS colossal mess because this time…..this time a Constitutional Crisis is bearing down on us.