We have already begun to feel an impact from SB1070. The families of a number of out-of-state students (to date all of them honors students) have told us that they are changing their plans and will be sending their children to universities in other states. This should sadden anyone who cares about attracting the best and brightest students to Arizona.
Additionally, large numbers of UA students, faculty, staff and appointed professionals have expressed concerns that they or members of their families or their friends may now be subject to unwarranted detainment by police. Many of these individuals are from families that have been residents of Arizona for generations. While I am completely confident that no one need fear the way that UAPD will approach the application of this law, I nevertheless appreciate the anxiety that friends and colleagues are feeling. It is a concern and fear that no one should have to harbor.
“…The many Latino citizens and lawful immigrants who attend college now face the offensive and discriminatory prospect of incessant demands to show their documents. We can expect that some will find this prospect discouraging and will discontinue their pursuit of education and training as well.”
This is a sad_but predictable_outcome. I don't support, in any way, "illegal" immigration. But passiing a "racial profiling" law to bring the full weight of the law to bare on workers lured to this country by American Employers, who brazenly break the law, for cheap labor, while NOTHING is brought to bare on those employers is Offensive and UNfair to say the least!It also makes having an "Honest" discussion among legislators, concerning what to do about ongoing flow of "illegal immigrants," d*mn near impossible.
Did the governer really not see this coming? By the time all the economic and tourist boycotts hit them over the head they'll cave under pressure.
"By the time all the economic and tourist boycotts hit them over the head they'll cave under pressure."And well they should BD! However, I wouldn't bet the farm on those fools actually doing it.All one has to do is take a look at the OTHER related post on this site: "NO ETHNIC STUDIES IN ARIZ." As if they haven't already Offended enough people and caused enough damage to the image of the state of Arizona_smh. Frankly, right about now, it appears there's absolutely NO END in sight to the sheer idiocy and ignorance spewing forth from "soc-cons" aka the Republican party_smh.IMO, they ought to be horse-whipped just for what they've done to the word "Conservatism" which is why I now use small "c" as it relates to them.