Comments on: Students vs. Guns Walk Out Part 2 News, Entertainment, Lifestyle and more! Wed, 25 Apr 2018 06:46:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Truthiz1 Tue, 24 Apr 2018 16:25:58 +0000 “Just knowing that people like me have the voice and the power to change this for our kids and for the generation, we’re taking this moment and we’re going to use it.” – Madeline Miller, 16 y/o student

I commend ALL of the youths who have, thus far, remained committed to what they’re fighting for.

America is a very reactionary society. And even then we only Re-act in the moment. Let enough time go by without effectively addressing any “Serious” issue (whatever the issue may be) and it’s highly UN-likely the issue will ever be addressed. Most Americans seem to have a very short attention span (it’s absolutely true of the American news media). Elected officials know this. “Special Interests” groups know this.

Time will surely tell IF these kids truly understand the enormous task they’ve taken on – if they truly have staying power in pursuing their ultimate goal which will continue to require a lot of Work, Time and Patience.
