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Yesterday’s “BEER SUMMIT” at the White House between Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Boston Police Sergeant James Crowley has been called a success.  President Obama and Vice-President Biden hosted the two men in an informal Rose Garden meeting over a cold beer, where both men opted to put aside their differences and “agree to disagree.”  But the story doesn’t end there… 

In a related story, a fellow Boston Police Officer has been suspended after sending a shocking and racially charged e-mail regarding Professor Gates to his law enforcement buddies.  According to the Boston Globe, 36 year old Police Officer Justin Barrett referred to Dr. Gates as a “banana eating jungle monkey” in the letter, written in reaction to the media’s coverage of Gates’s arrest July 16th.  The former cop appeared on CNN’S Larry King Live last night to offer a lawyer induced apology, claiming he is not a racist and has no idea why he would use such language.  Hmmm.  Barrett, who has only been a cop for two years was stripped of his gun and badge and faces a termination hearing from the department sometime next week.  Mayor Thomas M. Menino has called Barrett a “cancer” who should be fired, while many of the city’s black leaders say he is a painful reminder of racial tensions that still exist within the city and its Police Department.


DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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One Comment

  1. The American mainstream/cable "news" (chuckle) industry_aka the American "IDIOT-news" industry has become a GLOBAL laughing stock around the world! A so-called "Beer Summit"_smh. As usual, a NON-event event created and HYPED to hills by the American media. As usual, I didn't watch.Pres, Obama has the temperament and patience of JOB_smh.The irony is _it appears the ONLY person who really stands to lose his job behind this mess IS that Boston cop who had nothing better to da than send his racist rants to his buddies and the Boston Globe. STUCK. ON. STUPID.

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