Sun Sentinel: No GOP Candidate Is Worth It

Politics –
Sun Sentinel:
No GOP Candidate Is Worth It
As if the Republican Party didn’t have enough troubles, their decent into oblivion has taken an even more disastrous turn. South Florida’s The Sun Sentinel has chosen “None Of The Above” as their choice for the Republican presidential nominee.
In a scathing editorial published Friday, the paper’s editorial board shocked the political world by choosing not to endorse any GOP candidate, because “the kind of person who should be running is not in the race.” Editor Rosemary O’Hara explained that Donald Trump, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz are all unqualified to be president of the United States. The Sun Sentinel added that although Ohio Gov. John Kasich is the best of the remaining candidates, he does not have a chance in hell of winning.

“We showed our cards a year ago, before the extraordinarily large field of Republican candidates shaped up,” the editorial read. “We favored the adult in the room, Jeb Bush, a smart, experienced and principled conservative. But the nation wasn’t ready for another Bush, and our former governor wasn’t ready for the anti-establishment edge in today’s Twitter-fueled campaign era.”
The Sun Sentinel went on to outline the shortcomings of each remaining candidate that makes them each a failure. Their first target was Donald Trump, who the paper said may be entertaining, but lacks the experience and temperament to be commander-in-chief.
“Trump would shake up Washington, no question,” the board wrote. “He might even unite Republicans and Democrats against a common enemy — himself. But given his smug, erratic, often petulant demeanor, do you really trust him with the keys to our nuclear arsenal?”
The paper then tackled Rubio, saying he has incredible political skills, knowledge of the issues beyond talking points and a great life story, but has almost no experience beyond running for office and doesn’t show up to work much.
“Because Rubio has failed to do his job as a senator, broken the promises he made to Floridians and backed away from his lone signature piece of legislation on immigration, we cannot endorse him for president,” the board wrote.
The Sun Sentinel then targeted Cruz, saying he is anti-Washington, makes decisions based on the Bible, does not compromise on social issues and was willing to shut down the government for 16 days.
“Cruz scares us. He also should scare Republicans who want to win in November. Cruz has not earned your vote,” the board said.
As for Kasich, the paper noted he averages a 7.4-point lead over Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton in recent national polls and enjoys a 62% approval rating among Ohioans. However, he has not built a viable campaign in part because the GOP base is in rebellion mode.
“Perhaps in a more-rational election year, the Sun Sentinel would endorse John Kasich. But we can’t urge you to vote for someone who doesn’t have a chance of winning the nomination.”
So, the paper has decided that no Republican candidate is worthy of their endorsement — or America’s vote.
Interestingly, the Sun Sentinel had no trouble choosing a Democratic candidate and strongly endorsed Hillary Clinton over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Although she may be too cozy with Wall Street and too secretive, the paper noted she is the most qualified candidate for the Oval Office in years.
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I've said for awhile now that Kasich is the best of a very bad lot. I pointed out that he's the only Repub candidate that could give Hillary a real run for her money were he to win the Repub nomination. Luckily for her (and the Dems) Kasich's chances of wininng the nomination are…None. Zip. Zero. Zilch.
The paper is right about the others. They're absolutely worthless.
Well that no endorsement says a whole lot.