
Super Tuesday Loves Superman Biden!

- Warren, Bloomberg expected to end their campaigns.

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Make no bones about it: Super Tuesday Loves Superman Biden!

After his campaign was left for dead only a week ago, former Vice-President Joe Biden resurrected his fledgling presidential hopes with a huge win on Saturday in South Carolina.  Then came suspended campaigns from Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, who each joined former candidate Beto O’Rourke in an 11th-hour endorsement of ‘Uncle Joe.’

And then, Super Tuesday happened.

Super Tuesday Loves Joe Biden

On Tuesday night, Joe Biden regained his frontrunner status and reinvented himself as Superman with unprecedented and historic wins from sea to shining sea.

Massachusetts proved Super Tuesday loves Superman Biden (beating Elizabeth Warren, who came in 3rd place in her own state). Virginia proved Super Tuesday loves Superman Biden.  Alabama, Arkansas, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee also proved Super Tuesday loves Superman Biden.  As of this writing, Biden is also leading by a slim margin in Maine and — get this — is poised to win in Texas.

Ironically, Biden ran out of campaign funds weeks ago, never spent a dime on commercial ads and never even campaign in most of these states.  In fact, he never expected to win most of them — but on Tuesday night, he did.

In contrast, Biden’s closest competitor, Bernie Sanders took home only 3 wins in Colorado, Utah, and his home state of Vermont.  As of this writing, he is also leading in California, but that state is still too close to call.

Super Tuesday Loves Joe Biden

Since the Democratic primaries are not a “winner-take-all” contest and delegates are awarded proportionately, Super Tuesday was a huge night for Joe Biden, who now has 337 delegates, compared to 224 for Bernie Sanders.  To win the Democratic nomination, 1,991 are required.  Based on the Democratic system, both Biden and Sanders could theoretically share 1/2 of the California and Texas delegates and Biden could still remain squarely in 1st place.

Biden’s support among African-American and older voters, particularly in the south, proved to be golden for his campaign hopes.  Bernie’s support among younger voters and those living in western states proved valuable to his presidential hopes.

As for Elizabeth Warren, her poor showing in each of the previous primary races and an absolutely embarrassing loss in her own home state of Massachusetts has underlined the writing on the wall for her campaign.  Expect Warren to drop out and lend support to either Biden or Sanders any day now.  The same goes for Michael Bloomberg, who spent half a billion dollars of his own fortune on his campaign and still has zero return on his now poor investment.  He is reportedly “reassessing” his campaign and is expected to drop out perhaps as early as Wednesday.

Super Tuesday Loves Joe Biden
Michael Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren


Yes, this is now a 2 man race.  Joe Biden vs. Bernie Sanders, with Biden currently ahead in the delegate race.

On Tuesday night, political pundits compared Joe Biden to Lazarus (from the bible) coming back to life  — and it was a fitting comparison.  Super Tuesday loves Superman Biden and this now appears to be all but Biden’s nomination to lose.


OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Super Tuesday loves Superman Biden.


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DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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DJ, I’m at work (I always get here early) but I’ll definitely be hanging out here all day….lol

“I’ve never seen anybody mount a comeback like this — ever,” Matt Seyfang, an expert delegate counter who had worked for Pete Buttigieg, said of Biden’s unexpected rout. – Politico

A lot of Us were hopeful that Biden would have a good night but this…THIS was incredible! I watched all of the results come in from the very beginning and with every projection I felt more confident that Joe was in for a big night. But I didn’t think he’d win Texas….UNTIL about 11:15 pm when a newspaper guy from Houston came on MSNBC and gave a heads-up that based on the numbers rolling in from Harris County (Houston) it was beginning to look like Biden was poised to actually win Texas. And he did!

The whole night was incredible!


So about Bernie’s “okay” night last night……… Once again most of the pre-primary polls, and pontifications of pundit-idiots, proved to be meaningless. And once again Bernie’s so-called “revolution” or “movement” failed to materialize. Yes he garnered more of the younger votes but Fewer of the young voters showed up to vote for him. Yes, he has support among Latinos but in Texas, either Latinos didn’t show up for him in overwhelming OR they split their votes between him and Joe. And his support among Black voters -including young Black voters- remains stagnant at around 17%. Pretty much where it was 4 yrs ago. Most Dem, and Dem-leaning, voters (Black and White) ages 45 and older Ain’t feeling Bernie. His repeated failure to expand his electorate has nothing to do with the “establishment” “conspiring” against him. It has to do with the majority of voters saying NO to Bernie getting the… Read more »


And last and also least……Elizabeth Warren and Mike Bloomberg (sigh)!

What a sad showing for both of these candidates. And here’s the irony of how all this has played out……

Elizabeth Warren pretty much single-handedly destroyed Bloomberg’s campaign when she took a blowtorch to the guy during the 2 debates he participated in. Give her credit for exposing Bloomberg’s very serious weaknesses before the nation and the entire world. But apparently she also did herself no favors. Personally, I don’t think she ever really stood a chance of winning because the majority of American voters (men and women) still won’t support a female president.

Bloomberg. In his pursuit of the presidency, the man spent over $500 million dollars of his own money that resulted in a first-place win in Samoa and about 20 delegates total. You can’t buy the presidency.

Full stop.


Breaking: Bloomberg Drops Out of Race, Endorses Biden – MSNBC

‘Michael Bloomberg Drops Out Of Primary After Spending $528 Million’

In the wake of spending nearly half a billion dollars and a disappointing Super Tuesday, former New York mayor and presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the Democraic primary Wednesday after sinking a small part of his $58.4 billion fortune into his own campaign.

Bloomberg made his concession announcement on Wednesday morning. […]- Forbes


MSN: Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders’ losses

WASHINGTON – Young voters cheer Bernie Sanders’ anti-establishment message. They turn out in throngs at his rallies. And they form the core of his grassroots efforts to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

But their fiery passion did not translate into the robust turnout he needed on Super Tuesday to win a number of key states, notably in the South where a strong showing by former vice president Joe Biden has made the nomination contest a two-man race.

Exit polls for five southern states that Biden won – Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia – found that young voters did not show up at the polls in the numbers they did in 2016. […] – Mar. 4, 2020


This was exceptional for Joe Biden. They are already calling this win history making. I know I’ve never seen anything like it.


I have been waiting to get to this all day. Boy did Biden put a butt whipping on everybody. Saleem is right this is history making. Everybody thought Biden was about to drop out and now he is on his way to winning the whole thing,. Bravo to Biden. He did the darn thing last night.


Democrats seem to be saying they are tired of fighting each other. They want the fight to be about Trump. Pick the best person to beat him and let’s go.


You’re right BD. Dems are tired of fighting each other. We want to the fight to be about Trump. But no matter who wins the nomination he’ll have to put in some serious work unifying the party.

My guess is, if Biden wins the nomination Bernie won’t bow out gracefully. And I hope I’m wrong. But the man is Not a Democrat and this is his 2nd and Final shot at running for president. If he fails to get the nomination this time, he, AND his supporters, will *HOLLA* from the rafters “the system is rigged” against Bernie. Of course, if he wins the nomination, neither he nor his supporters will have any problem with “the system.” None at all.


Hey Truth looks like the Bernie supporters are already hollering. Saleem got to Eric before I could. It was probably Eric Trump.


I’m not at all surprised BD and they’ll keep hollering -blaming others for Bernie’s failure. Just like Trump and his supporters, Bernie and many of his supporters can’t handle the truth.

In fact, the Democratic Party should expect to lose many of Bernie’s supporters to Trump if Bernie doesn’t win the nomination. That’s why it’s gong to be so important for Every Dem. and Dem-leaning, voter to get and Vote come November. Our numbers will have to be higher than ever before to defeat Trump!


Obviously the DNC ordered Pete and Amy to drop out and let Joe take the votes. Another political “shove it down your throat” ploy.


Oh please this is ridiculous. Democrats got behind who they believe can beat Trump. Get lost with the nonsense.


I’m a little late with this Breaking News:

‘Biden wins Maine primary, adding to Super Tuesday victories’

Former Vice President Joe Biden has won the Maine Democratic presidential primary, scoring another victory over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) after a stellar showing on Super Tuesday.

The Associated Press called the race for Biden on Wednesday at 1:57 p.m. EST. Sanders was favored in forecasts in Maine heading into Super Tuesday, but Biden claimed victory in the Pine Tree State amid a surge in momentum heading into this week’s contests. […] – The Hill

H/T: Bangor Daily News

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