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The 2010 Superbowl has now come and gone.  Sure, the New Orleans Saints took home the trophy, but with the modern day Superbowl just as much about ads as it is sports, what happened with this year’s commercials?

Remember all the flack regarding CBS agreeing to air a socially conscious commercial from the anti-abortion group Focus on Family (featuring Quarterback Tim Tebow) but skipping an ad for the gay dating website ManCrunch?  Well, it seems all the hullabaloo was a great big dud.  The anti-abortion ad aired, and it was…boring.  It left many who were waiting to pounce on it saying “Was that all?”

Oh well, in case you missed the Superbowl and/or the ad, here it is.  You decide if it was worth all the hype or not:




DJ is the creator and editor of OK WASSUP! He is also a Guest Writer/Blogger, Professional and Motivational Speaker, Producer, Music Consultant, and Media Contributor. New York, New York USA

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  1. First: I'd like to say Congrats to the New Orleans Saints!I haven't watched the Suoer Bowl in years. But I watched most of event this year because I like both teams. My head told me that Manning and the Colts would get the job done. But my heart kept saying that the Saints could get "IT" done too IF they were HUNGRY enough(?) Suffice it to say, the Saints answered that question for me_and in a rather comfortable fashion too_lol.Now regarding the "pro-life" ad: After reviewing the video, I have to say I agree_ "all the hullabaloo was a great big dud." The truth is, except for the ad featuring Betty White being tackled, I quickly changed the channel on the rest.

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