Is it time to rethink the omnipotence of the US Supreme Court and the life-long power of its justices?
Politics :
Once upon a time, the US Supreme Court was revered and respected as a neutral branch of government that operated with a fair and impartial assessment of the law. However — at least within the past decade — it appears as though the nation’s highest court has blatantly become just another political arm of the Republican Party.

During the Obama administration, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his GOP cohorts set out on a mission to defy Democrats by loading up the Supreme Court with conservative justices. They denied President Obama the opportunity to appoint a replacement following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, claiming that with only 9 months left in his presidency, it was too close to the next election. Next, they opened the floodgates and allowed Donald Trump to appoint 3 justices, effectively tilting the current court toward a conservative agenda.
Although each of the justices “claims” they are bipartisan, the current actions of a few contradict that theory.
Recently, Justice Samuel Alito was caught flying Trump/MAGA flags at his home on 2 separate occasions. He was even caught on tape admitting how he wants America to be a Christian nation, while his wife was recorded discussing how she intends to erect a ‘Blood of Jesus’ flag to distract her from having to see LGBTQ+ flags during Gay Pride month.
However, the supreme king of corruption and ethics scandals appears to be none other than Clarence Thomas.

During the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill insurrection, Thomas’ wife, Virginia ‘Ginny’ Thomas was not only a supporter of Donald Trump and his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, but was also actively in touch with several White House officials in real-time during the attack on Congress.
Talk about conflict of interest and the ability of Mrs. Thomas to influence Mr. Thomas in his court decisions.
However, that’s only the beginning of the misdeeds of US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
According to The New York Times, Thomas never disclosed 3 trips he recently took aboard the private jet of Texas billionaire, Nazi memorabilia collector, and right-wing nut job Harlan Crow.
In documents obtained last Thursday by the Senate Judiciary Committee, it was revealed Thomas did not report a 2017 trip to a city near Glacier National Park; a March 2019 trip to his hometown in Savannah, GA; and yet another to Northern California in 2021.
So, what’s the problem, you ask?

Supreme Court justices (like members of Congress) are required to report all personal gifts, acts of generosity, and other contributions that could affect their votes on the court. Thomas did not report the recent trips. In fact, he has taken several trips over the years with Harlan Crow and failed to report every single one of them.
When asked why he has received so many “gifts” of generosity from the conservative political benefactor, Thomas alleged ignorance of the law and claimed he didn’t know he needed to disclose gifts from friends who didn’t have cases before the Supreme Court.
The trips “fell under the ‘personal hospitality exemption’ and was not required to be disclosed by Justice Thomas,” said Thomas’ attorney, Elliot S. Berke.
However, a senior member of the US Senate was quick to correct him.
The revelation of the trips “makes it crystal clear that the highest court needs an enforceable code of conduct –because its members continue to choose not to meet the moment,” Democratic Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee said in a statement.

Why would someone offer Clarence Thomas half a dozen (or more) trips across the country on a private jet (at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars) unless there was a caveat? Additionally, why would Samuel Alito fly MAGA flags outside his home unless there was a purpose?
The mere impression of their actions wreaks of guilt. Perhaps the time has come for Congress to reevaluate ethics codes for members of the US Supreme Court.
OK WASSUP! discusses Politics:
Is Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas unethical?
Boy oh boy, it would be the Black right- winger who appears to be worst of them all…(sigh!)
Okay so DJ started this discussion off with posing the question:
“Is it time rethink the omnipotence of the US Supreme Court and the life-long power of its Justices?”
It’s past time to rethink it. Time for the Court to lose both!
And Lord knows if Biden is re-elected he had better push hard for change and make it his mission to get two new Justices on that Court!
Hey Truth if Biden gets elected again he needs to think about expanding the supreme court. It is too loaded with Repubs and nothing is going to be fair.
I bet some of these other justices are doing the same thing. Clarence Thomas is just too stupid and got caught. But like the old saying goes nothing in this world is free. If that billionaire is flying Clarence all over the place he wants something in return. And we know what that is.